

A filter for generating links from the page catalog. This allows you to refer to other pages in the source and have them automatically updated as the structure of the manual changes.

Links are XML processing instructions. Pages can be referenced in one of several ways:

<?link Page Title ?>
<?link "click here":Page Title ?>
<?link Page Title #section_id ?>
<?link "click here":Page Title#section_id ?>

This first form links to a page by title. Link text defaults to the page title unless an optional quoted string is prepended. If you want to link to an anchor inside the page, include its ID with a hash mark after the title.

<?link path/to/ ?>
<?link "click here":path/to/ ?>
<?link path/to/ ?>
<?link "click here":path/to/ ?>

The second form links to a page by its path relative to the base manual source directory. Again, the link text defaults to the page title, or can be overriden via a prepended string, and you can link into a page with an appended ID.



PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'

Public Instance Methods

find_linked_page( current_page, reference )

Lookup a page reference in the catalog. reference can be either a path to the .page file, relative to the manual root path, or a page title. Returns a matching Page object, or nil if no match is found.

# File lib/hoe/manualgen/links-filter.rb, line 93
def find_linked_page( current_page, reference )

        catalog = current_page.catalog

        # Lookup by page path
        if reference =~ /\.page$/
                return catalog.uri_index[ reference ]

        # Lookup by page title
                return catalog.title_index[ reference ]
anchor anchor
process( source, page, metadata )

Process the given source for <?link … ?> processing-instructions, calling out

# File lib/hoe/manualgen/links-filter.rb, line 57
def process( source, page, metadata )
        return source.gsub( LinkPI ) do |match|
                # Grab the tag values
                link_text = $1
                reference = $2
                fragment  = $3

                self.generate_link( page, reference, link_text, fragment )