Class MemCache
In: lib/memcache.rb  (CVS)
Parent: Object

A Ruby implementation of the ‘memcached’ client interface.


Included Modules


Classes and Modules

Class MemCache::ClientError
Class MemCache::InternalError
Class MemCache::MemCacheError
Class MemCache::Server
Class MemCache::ServerError

External Aliases

c_threshold -> compression_threshold


c_threshold  [RW]  The compression threshold setting, in bytes. Values larger than this threshold will be compressed by #[]= (and set) and decompressed by #[] (and get).
compression  [RW]  Turn compression on or off temporarily.
debug  [RW]  Debugging flag — when set to true, debugging output will be send to $deferr. If set to an object which supports either #<< or call, debugging output will be sent to it via this method instead (call being preferred). If set to false or nil, no debugging will be generated.
hashfunc  [RW]  The function (a Method or Proc object) which will be used to hash keys for determining where values are stored.
mutex  [R]  The Sync mutex object for the cache
namespace  [RW]  The namespace that will be prepended to all keys set/fetched from the cache.
servers  [R]  The Array of MemCache::Server objects that represent the memcached instances the client will use.
stats  [R]  Hash of counts of cache operations, keyed by operation (e.g., +:delete+, +:flush_all+, +:set+, +:add+, etc.). Each value of the hash is another hash with statistics for the corresponding operation:
     :stime  => <total system time of all calls>,
     :utime  => <total user time> of all calls,
     :count  => <number of calls>,
stats_callback  [RW]  Settable statistics callback — setting this to an object that responds to call will cause it to be called once for each operation with the operation type (as a Symbol), and Struct::Tms objects created immediately before and after the operation.
times  [R]  Hash of system/user time-tuples for each op
urlencode  [RW]  If this is true, all keys will be urlencoded before being sent to the cache.

Public Class methods

Create a new memcache object that will distribute gets and sets between the specified servers. You can also pass one or more options as hash arguments. Valid options are:

Set the compression flag. See use_compression? for more info.
Set the compression threshold, in bytes. See c_threshold for more info.
Send debugging output to the object specified as a value if it responds to call, and to $deferr if set to anything else but false or nil.
If specified, all keys will have the given value prepended before accessing the cache. Defaults to nil.
If this is set, all cache keys will be urlencoded. If this is not set, keys with certain characters in them may generate client errors when interacting with the cache, but they will be more compatible with those set by other clients. If you plan to use anything but Strings for keys, you should keep this enabled. Defaults to true.
If this is set, any attempt to write to the cache will generate an exception. Defaults to false.
If set, specifies the number of floating-point seconds to wait when attempting to connect to a memcached server.

If a block is given, it is used as the default hash function for determining which server the key (given as an argument to the block) is stored/fetched from.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 202
    def initialize( *servers, &block )
        opts = servers.pop if servers.last.is_a?( Hash )
        opts = DefaultOptions.merge( opts || {} )

        @debug            = opts[:debug]

        @c_threshold  = opts[:c_threshold]
        @compression  = opts[:compression]
        @namespace        = opts[:namespace]
        @readonly     = opts[:readonly]
        @urlencode        = opts[:urlencode]
        @timeout      = opts[:connect_timeout]

        @buckets      = nil
        @hashfunc     = block || lambda {|val| val.hash}
        @mutex            = Sync::new

        @reactor      = IO::Reactor::new

        # Stats is an auto-vivifying hash -- an access to a key that hasn't yet
        # been created generates a new stats subhash
        @stats            = Hash::new {|hsh,k|
            hsh[k] = {:count => 0, :utime => 0.0, :stime => 0.0}
        @stats_callback   = nil

        self.servers  = servers

Public Instance methods

[]( *keys )

Alias for get

Index assignment method. Supports slice-setting, e.g.:

  cache[ :foo, :bar ] = 12, "darkwood"

This uses set_many internally if there is more than one key, or set if there is only one.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 440
    def []=( *args )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        # Use #set if there's only one pair
        if args.length <= 2
            self.set( *args )
            # Args from a slice-style call like
            #   cache[ :foo, :bar ] = 1, 2
            # will be passed in like:
            #   ( :foo, :bar, [1, 2] )
            # so just shift the value part off, transpose them into a Hash and
            # pass them on to #set_many.
            vals = args.pop
            vals = [vals] unless # Handle [:a,:b] = 1
                vals.is_a?( Array ) && args.nitems > 1
            pairs = {}
            [ args, vals ].transpose.each {|k,v| pairs[k] = v}

            self.set_many( pairs )

        # It doesn't matter what this returns, as Ruby ignores it for some
        # reason.
        return nil

Returns true if there is at least one active server for the receiver.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 348
    def active?
        not @servers.empty?

Like set, but only stores the tuple if it doesn’t already exist.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 470
    def add( key, val, exptime=0 )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
   :add, key, val, exptime )

Alias for flush_all

Like incr, but decrements. Unlike incr, underflow is checked, and new values are capped at 0. If server value is 1, a decrement of 2 returns 0, not -1.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 508
    def decr( key, val=1 )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            self.incrdecr( :decr, key, val )

Delete the entry with the specified key, optionally at the specified time.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 520
    def delete( key, time=nil )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?
        svr = nil

        res = @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            svr = self.get_server( key )
            cachekey = self.make_cache_key( key )

            self.add_stat( :delete ) do
                cmd = "delete %s%s" % [ cachekey, time ? " #{time.to_i}" : "" ]
                self.send( svr => cmd )

        res && res[svr].rstrip == "DELETED"

Mark all entries on all servers as expired.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 540
    def flush_all
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        res = @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {

            # Build commandset for servers that are alive
            servers = {|svr| svr.alive? }
            cmds = self.make_command_map( "flush_all", servers )

            # Send them in parallel
            self.add_stat( :flush_all ) {
                self.send( cmds )

        !res.find {|svr,st| st.rstrip != 'OK'}

Fetch and return the values associated with the given keys from the cache. Returns nil for any value that wasn’t in the cache.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 355
    def get( *keys )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        hash = nil

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
            hash = self.fetch( :get, *keys )

        return *(hash.values_at( *keys ))

Fetch and return the values associated the the given keys from the cache as a Hash object. Returns nil for any value that wasn’t in the cache.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 371
    def get_hash( *keys )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        return @mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
            self.fetch( :get_hash, *keys )

Atomically increment the value associated with key by val. Returns nil if the value doesn’t exist in the cache, or the new value after incrementing if it does. val should be zero or greater. Overflow on the server is not checked. Beware of values approaching 2**32.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 495
    def incr( key, val=1 )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            self.incrdecr( :incr, key, val )

Return a human-readable version of the cache object.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 233
    def inspect
        "<MemCache: %d servers/%s buckets: ns: %p, debug: %p, cmp: %p, ro: %p>" % [
            @buckets.nil? ? "?" : @buckets.nitems,

Returns true if the cache was created read-only.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 304
    def readonly?

Like set, but only stores the tuple if it already exists.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 481
    def replace( key, val, exptime=0 )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
   :replace, key, val, exptime )

Return item stats from the specified servers


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 651
    def server_item_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats items", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_stats_items ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                self.parse_stats( reply )

Return malloc stats from the specified servers (not supported on all platforms)


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 613
    def server_malloc_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats malloc", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_malloc_stats ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                self.parse_stats( reply )
    rescue MemCache::InternalError
        self.debug_msg( "One or more servers doesn't support 'stats malloc'" )
        return {}

Return memory maps from the specified servers (not supported on all platforms)


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 595
    def server_map_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats maps", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_map_stats ) do
            self.send( cmds )
    rescue MemCache::ServerError => err
        self.debug_msg "%p doesn't support 'stats maps'" % err.server
        return {}

Reset statistics on the given servers.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 578
    def server_reset_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats reset", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_reset_stats ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                reply.rstrip == "RESET"

Return item size stats from the specified servers


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 667
    def server_size_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats sizes", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_stats_sizes ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                reply.sub( /#{CRLF}END#{CRLF}/, '' ).split( /#{CRLF}/ )

Return slab stats from the specified servers


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 632
    def server_slab_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive? }
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats slabs", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_slab_stats ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                ### :TODO: I could parse the results from this further to split
                ### out the individual slabs into their own sub-hashes, but this
                ### will work for now.
                self.parse_stats( reply )

Return a hash of statistics hashes for each of the specified servers.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 562
    def server_stats( servers=@servers )

        # Build commandset for servers that are alive
        asvrs = {|svr| svr.alive?}
        cmds = self.make_command_map( "stats", asvrs )

        # Send them in parallel
        return self.add_stat( :server_stats ) do
            self.send( cmds ) do |svr,reply|
                self.parse_stats( reply )

Set the servers the memcache will distribute gets and sets between. Arguments can be either Strings of the form "hostname:port" (or "hostname:port:weight"), or MemCache::Server objects.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 313
    def servers=( servers )
        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            @servers = servers.collect {|svr|
                self.debug_msg( "Transforming svr = %p", svr )

                case svr
                when String
                    host, port, weight = svr.split( /:/, 3 )
                    weight ||= DefaultServerWeight
                    port ||= DefaultPort
                    Server::new( host, port.to_i, weight, @timeout )

                when Array
                    host, port = svr[0].split(/:/, 2)
                    weight = svr[1] || DefaultServerWeight
                    port ||= DefaultPort
                    Server::new( host, port.to_i, weight, @timeout )

                when Server

                    raise TypeError, "cannot convert %s to MemCache::Server" %

            @buckets = nil
        return @servers           # (ignored)

Unconditionally set the entry in the cache under the given key to value, returning true on success. The optional exptime argument specifies an expiration time for the tuple, in seconds relative to the present if it’s less than 60*60*24*30 (30 days), or as an absolute Unix time (E.g., Time#to_i) if greater. If exptime is +0+, the entry will never expire.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 398
    def set( key, val, exptime=0 )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?
        rval = nil

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            rval = :set, key, val, exptime )

        return rval

Multi-set method; unconditionally set each key/value pair in pairs. The call to set each value is done synchronously, but until memcached supports a multi-set operation this is only a little more efficient than calling set for each pair yourself.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 415
    def set_many( pairs )
        raise MemCacheError, "no active servers" unless
        raise MemCacheError, "readonly cache" if self.readonly?
        raise MemCacheError,
            "expected an object that responds to the #each_pair message" unless
            pairs.respond_to?( :each_pair )

        rvals = []

        # Just iterate over the pairs, setting them one-by-one until memcached
        # supports multi-set.
        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
            pairs.each_pair do |key, val|
                rvals << :set, key, val, 0 )

        return rvals

Protected Instance methods

Statistics wrapper: increment the execution count and processor times for the given operation type for the specified server.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 967
    def add_stat( type )
        raise LocalJumpError, "no block given" unless block_given?

        # Time the block
        starttime = Process::times
        res = yield
        endtime = Process::times

        # Add time/call stats callback
        @stats[type][:count] += 1
        @stats[type][:utime]  += endtime.utime - starttime.utime
        @stats[type][:stime]  += endtime.stime - starttime.stime type, starttime, endtime ) if @stats_callback

        return res

Write a message (formed sprintf-style with fmt and args) to the debugging callback in @debug, to $stderr if @debug doesn’t appear to be a callable object but is still true. If @debug is nil or false, do nothing.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 989
    def debug_msg( fmt, *args )
        return unless @debug

        if @debug.respond_to?( :call )
   fmt % args )
        elsif @debug.respond_to?( :<< )
            @debug << "#{fmt}\n" % args
            $deferr.puts( fmt % args )

Fetch the values corresponding to the given keys from the cache and return them as a Hash.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 808
    def fetch( type, *keys )

        # Make a hash to hold servers => commands for the keys to be fetched,
        # and one to match cache keys to user keys.
        map = Hash::new {|hsh,key| hsh[key] = 'get'}
        cachekeys = {}

        res = {}
        self.add_stat( type ) {

            # Map the key's server to the command to fetch its value
            keys.each do |key|
                svr = self.get_server( key )
                ckey = self.make_cache_key( key )
                cachekeys[ ckey ] = key
                map[ svr ] << " " + ckey

            # Send the commands and map the results hash into the return hash
            self.send( map, true ) do |svr, reply|

                # Iterate over the replies, stripping first the 'VALUE
                # <cachekey> <flags> <len>' line with a regexp and then the data
                # line by length as specified by the VALUE line.
                while reply.sub!( /^VALUE (\S+) (\d+) (\d+)\r\n/, '' )
                    ckey, flags, len = $1, $2.to_i, $3.to_i
                    self.debug_msg( "Reply is: key=%p flags=%d len=%d", ckey, flags, len )

                    # Restore compressed and thawed values that require it.
                    data = reply.slice!( 0, len + 2 ) # + CRLF
                    rval = self.restore( data[0,len], flags )
                    self.debug_msg( "Restored: %p", rval )

                    res[ cachekeys[ckey] ] = rval

                self.debug_msg( "Tail of reply is: %p", reply )

                unless reply == "END" + CRLF
                    raise MemCacheError, "Malformed reply fetched from %p: %p" %
                        [ svr, rval ]

        return res

Get the server corresponding to the given key.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 726
    def get_server( key )
        svr = nil

        @mutex.synchronize( Sync::SH ) {
            if @servers.length == 1
                self.debug_msg( "Only one server: using %p", @servers.first )
                svr = @servers.first

                # If the key is an integer, it's assumed to be a precomputed hash
                # key so don't bother hashing it. Otherwise use the hashing function
                # to come up with a hash of the key to determine which server to
                # talk to
                hkey = nil
                if key.is_a?( Integer )
                    hkey = key
                    hkey = key )

                # Set up buckets if they haven't been already
                unless @buckets
                    @mutex.synchronize( Sync::EX ) {
                        # Check again after switching to an exclusive lock
                        unless @buckets
                            @buckets = []
                            @servers.each do |svr|
                                self.debug_msg( "Adding %d buckets for %p", svr.weight, svr )
                                svr.weight.times { @buckets.push(svr) }

                # Fetch a server for the given key, retrying if that server is
                # offline
                20.times do |tries|
                    svr = @buckets[ (hkey + tries) % @buckets.nitems ]
                    break if svr.alive?
                    self.debug_msg( "Skipping dead server %p", svr )
                    svr = nil

        raise MemCacheError, "No servers available" if 
            svr.nil? || !svr.alive?

        return svr

Handle an IO event ev on the given sock for the specified server, expecting single-line syntax (i.e., ends with CRLF).


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 1094
    def handle_line_io( sock, ev, server, buffers, multiline=false )
        self.debug_msg( "Line IO (ml=%p) event for %p: %s: %p - %p",
                        multiline, sock, ev, server, buffers )

        # Set the terminator pattern based on whether multiline is turned on or
        # not.
        terminator = multiline ? MULTILINE_TERMINATOR : LINE_TERMINATOR

        # Handle the event
        case ev
        when :read
            len = buffers[:rbuf].length
            buffers[:rbuf] << sock.sysread( 256 )
            self.debug_msg "Read %d bytes." % [ buffers[:rbuf].length - len ]

            # If there's an error, then we're done with this socket. Likewise
            # if we've read the whole reply.
            if ANY_ERROR.match( buffers[:rbuf][0..MAX_ERROR_LENGTH] ) ||
                    terminator.match( buffers[:rbuf] )
                self.debug_msg "Done with read for %p: %p", sock, buffers[:rbuf]
                @reactor.remove( sock )

        when :write
            res = sock.send( buffers[:wbuf], SendFlags )
            self.debug_msg( "Wrote %d bytes.", res )
            buffers[:wbuf].slice!( 0, res ) unless

            # If the write buffer's done, then we don't care about writability
            # anymore, so clear that event.
            if buffers[:wbuf].empty?
                self.debug_msg "Done with write for %p" % sock
                @reactor.disableEvents( sock, :write )

        when :err
            so_error = sock.getsockopt( SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR )
            self.debug_msg "Socket error on %p: %s" % [ sock, so_error ]
            @reactor.remove( sock )
            server.mark_dead( so_error )

            raise ArgumentError, "Unhandled reactor event type: #{ev}"
    rescue EOFError, IOError => err
        @reactor.remove( sock )
        server.mark_dead( err.message )

Handle error messages defined in the memcached protocol. The buffer argument will be parsed for the error type, and, if appropriate, the error message. The server argument is only used in the case of SERVER_ERROR, in which case the raised exception will contain that object. The depth argument is used to specify the call depth from which the exception’s stacktrace should be gathered.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 1150
    def handle_protocol_error( buffer, server, depth=4 )
        case buffer
        when CLIENT_ERROR
            raise ClientError, $1, caller(depth)

        when SERVER_ERROR
            raise ServerError::new( server ), $1, caller(depth)

            raise InternalError, "Unknown internal error", caller(depth)

Increment/decrement the value associated with key on the server by val.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 860
    def incrdecr( type, key, val )
        svr = self.get_server( key )
        cachekey = self.make_cache_key( key )

        # Form the command, send it, and read the reply
        res = self.add_stat( type ) {
            cmd = "%s %s %d" % [ type, cachekey, val ]
            self.send( svr => cmd )

        # De-stringify the number if it is one and return it as an Integer, or
        # nil if it isn't a number.
        if /^(\d+)/.match( res[svr] )
            return Integer( $1 )
            return nil

Create a key for the cache from any object. Strings are used as-is, Symbols are stringified, and other values use their hash method.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 1004
    def make_cache_key( key )
        ck = @namespace ? "#@namespace:" : ""

        case key
        when String, Symbol
            ck += key.to_s
            ck += "%s" % key.hash

        ck = uri_escape( ck ) unless !@urlencode

        self.debug_msg( "Cache key for %p: %p", key, ck )
        return ck

Create a hash mapping the specified command to each of the given servers.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 689
    def make_command_map( command, servers=@servers )
        Hash[ *([servers, [command]*servers.nitems].transpose.flatten) ]

Parse raw statistics lines from a memcached ‘stats’ reply and return a Hash.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 696
    def parse_stats( reply )

        # Trim off the footer
        self.debug_msg "Parsing stats reply: %p" % [reply]
        reply.sub!( /#{CRLF}END#{CRLF}/, '' )

        # Make a hash out of the other values
        pairs = reply.split( /#{CRLF}/ ).collect {|line|
            stat, name, val = line.split(/\s+/, 3)
            name = name.to_sym
            self.debug_msg "Converting %s stat: %p" % [name, val]

            if StatConverters.key?( name )
                self.debug_msg "Using %s converter: %p" %
                    [ name, StatConverters[name] ]
                val = StatConverters[ name ].call( val )
                self.debug_msg "Using default converter"
                val = StatConverters[ :__default__ ].call( val )

            self.debug_msg "... converted to: %p (%s)" % [ val, ]

        return Hash[ *(pairs.flatten) ]

Prepare the specified value val for insertion into the cache, serializing and compressing as necessary/configured.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 882
    def prep_value( val )
        sval = nil
        flags = 0

        # Serialize if something other than a String, Numeric
        case val
        when String
            sval = val.dup
        when Numeric
            sval = val.to_s
            flags |= F_NUMERIC
            self.debug_msg( "Serializing %p", val )
            sval = Marshal::dump( val )
            flags |= F_SERIALIZED
        # Compress if compression is enabled, the value exceeds the
        # compression threshold, and the compressed value is smaller than
        # the uncompressed version.
        if @compression && sval.length > @c_threshold
            zipped = Zlib::Deflate::deflate( sval, Zlib::BEST_SPEED )
            if zipped.length < (sval.length * MinCompressionRatio)
                self.debug_msg "Using compressed value (%d/%d)" %
                    [ zipped.length, sval.length ]
                sval = zipped
                flags |= F_COMPRESSED

        # Urlencode unless told not to
        unless !@urlencode
            sval = uri_escape( sval )
            flags |= F_ESCAPED

        return sval, flags

Restore the specified value val from the form inserted into the cache, given the specified flags.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 934
    def restore( val, flags=0 )
        self.debug_msg( "Restoring value %p (flags: %d)", val, flags )
        rval = val.dup

        # De-urlencode
        if (flags & F_ESCAPED).nonzero?
            rval = URI::unescape( rval )

        # Decompress
        if (flags & F_COMPRESSED).nonzero?
            rval = Zlib::Inflate::inflate( rval )

        # Unserialize
        if (flags & F_SERIALIZED).nonzero?
            rval = Marshal::load( rval )

        if (flags & F_NUMERIC).nonzero?
            if /\./.match( rval )
                rval = Float( rval )
                rval = Integer( rval )

        return rval

Given pairs of MemCache::Server objects and Strings or Arrays of commands for each server, do multiplexed IO between all of them, reading single-line responses.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 1026
    def send( pairs, multiline=false )
        self.debug_msg "Send for %d pairs: %p", pairs.length, pairs
        raise TypeError, "type mismatch: #{} given" unless
            pairs.is_a?( Hash )
        buffers = {}
        rval = {}

        # Fetch the Method object for the IO handler
        handler = self.method( :handle_line_io )

        # Set up the buffers and reactor for the exchange
        pairs.each do |server,cmds|
            unless server.alive?
                rval[server] = nil
                pairs.delete( server )

            # Handle either Arrayish or Stringish commandsets
            wbuf = cmds.respond_to?( :join ) ? cmds.join( CRLF ) : cmds.to_s
            self.debug_msg( "Created command %p for %p", wbuf, server )
            wbuf += CRLF

            # Make a buffer tuple (read/write) for the server
            buffers[server] = { :rbuf => '', :wbuf => wbuf }

            # Register the server's socket with the reactor
            @reactor.register( server.socket, :write, :read, server,
                               buffers[server], multiline, &handler )

        # Do all the IO at once
        self.debug_msg( "Reactor starting for %d IOs", @reactor.handles.length )
        @reactor.poll until @reactor.empty?
        self.debug_msg( "Reactor finished." )

        # Build the return value, delegating the processing to a block if one
        # was given.
        pairs.each {|server,cmds|

            # Handle protocol errors if they happen.  I have no idea if this is
            # desirable/correct behavior: none of the other clients react to
            # CLIENT_ERROR or SERVER_ERROR at all; in fact, I think they'd all
            # hang on one like this one did before I added them to the
            # terminator pattern in #handle_line_io. So this may change in the
            # future if it ends up being better to just ignore errors, try to
            # cache/fetch what we can, and hope returning nil will suffice in
            # the face of error conditions
            self.handle_protocol_error( buffers[server][:rbuf], server ) if
                ANY_ERROR.match( buffers[server][:rbuf] )

            # If the caller is doing processing on the reply, yield each buffer
            # in turn. Otherwise, just use the raw buffer as the return value
            if block_given?
                self.debug_msg( "Yielding value/s %p for %p",
                    buffers[server][:rbuf], server )
                rval[server] = yield( server, buffers[server][:rbuf] )
                rval[server] = buffers[server][:rbuf]

        return rval

Store the specified value to the cache associated with the specified key and expiration time exptime.


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 780
    def store( type, key, val, exptime )
        return self.delete( key ) if val.nil?
        svr = self.get_server( key )
        cachekey = self.make_cache_key( key )
        res = nil

        self.add_stat( type ) {
            # Prep the value for storage
            sval, flags = self.prep_value( val )

            # Form the command
            cmd = []
            cmd << "%s %s %d %d %d" %
                [ type, cachekey, flags, exptime, sval.length ]
            cmd << sval
            self.debug_msg( "Storing with: %p", cmd )

            # Send the command and read the reply
            res = self.send( svr => cmd )

        # Check for an appropriate server response
        return (res && res[svr] && res[svr].rstrip == "STORED")

Escape dangerous characters in the given string using URL encoding


# File lib/memcache.rb, line 924
    def uri_escape( string )
        #return URI::escape( sval )
        return string.gsub( /(?:[\x00-\x20]|%[a-f]{2})+/i ) do |match|
            match.split(//).collect {|char| "%%%02X" % char[0]}.join
