module Treequel::Control

Virtual interface methods for Control modules.


To make a concrete derivative, include this module in a module that implements either #get_client_controls or #get_server_controls and each. Your implementation of each should super with a block that does the necessary extraction of the result controls and yields back to the original block.


module Treequel::MyControl
    include Treequel::Control

    # The control's OID
    OID = ''

    # If your control has some value associated with it, you can provide
    # an initializer to set up an instance variable or two.
    def initialize
        @my_control_value = 18

    attr_accessor :my_control_value

    # This is the interface users will use to set values used in the control,
    # like so:
    #   branchset.controlled_somehow( value )
    def controlled_somehow( value )
        self.my_control_value = value

    # This is overridden so you can fetch controls set by the server before
    # iterating. The #each in Treequel::Branchset will yield to this block
    # after performing a search.
    def each( &block )
        super do |branch|
            if my_control = branch.controls.find {|control| control.oid == OID }
                server_control_value = my_control.decode
                # ... do something with the returned server_control_value

   branch )

    # This is how you inject your control into the search; Treequel::Branchset
    # will call this before running the search and add the results to its
    # server_controls. If you're implementing a client control, override
    # the #get_client_controls method instead. Be sure to super() so that any
    # controls registered before yours have a chance to add their objects too.
    def get_server_controls
        controls = super
        if self.my_control_value
            value = LDAP::Control.encode( self.my_control_value )
            controls << OID, value, true )

        return controls


Public Instance Methods

get_client_controls() click to toggle source

Control API interface method.

If your control is a client control, you should super() to this method and add your control (in the form of an LDAP::Control object) to the resulting Array before returning it.

# File lib/treequel/control.rb, line 79
def get_client_controls
        return []
get_server_controls() click to toggle source

Control API interface method.

If your control is a server control, you should super() to this method and add your control (in the form of an LDAP::Control object) to the resulting Array before returning it.

# File lib/treequel/control.rb, line 89
def get_server_controls
        return []