
DSL module


base_fixture RW

The name of the base fixture for the fixture module as a Symbol

collection RW

The FluentFixtures::Collection the fixture is part of

decorator_options R

The Hash of options hashes for declared decorators

decorators R

The Hash of decorators declared for this fixture module

Public Instance Methods

additions_for( other_fixture, depends_on: nil, &block )

Declare decorators for the other_fixture instead of the current one.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 100
def additions_for( other_fixture, depends_on: nil, &block )
        self.depends_on( depends_on ) if depends_on

        mod = self.collection.modules[ other_fixture ] or
                raise "no such fixture %p" % [ other_fixture ]

        mod.module_eval( &block )
after_saving( &block )

Add a callback to the fixture that will be passed new instances after it’s saved. The results of the block will be used as the fixtured instance.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 137
def after_saving( &block )
        define_singleton_method( :call_after_saving, &block )
alias_decorator( new_name, original_name )

Declare a new_name for the decorator declared with with original_name.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 118
def alias_decorator( new_name, original_name )
        block = self.decorators[ original_name.to_sym ] or
                raise ScriptError, "undefined decorator %p" % [ original_name ]
        self.decorators[ new_name.to_sym ] = block
        self.decorator_options[ new_name.to_sym ] =
                self.decorator_options[ original_name.to_sym ].dup
base( name=nil, &block )

Declare a base fixture for the current module called name, with an optional initial decorator as a block. If no name is given, one is chosen based on the name of the declaring module.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 39
def base( name=nil, &block )
        name ||= self.collection.default_base_fixture_name( self )

        self.base_fixture = name
        self.decorators[ :_ ] = block if block

        self.collection.add_base_fixture( name, self )
before_saving( &block )

Add a callback to the fixture that will be passed new instances after all decorators have been applied and immediately before it’s saved. The results of the block will be used as the fixtured instance.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 130
def before_saving( &block )
        define_singleton_method( :call_before_saving, &block )
compose( **hash, &block )

Declare a decorator that is composed out of other decorators and an optional block. The first hash pair should be the name of the declared decorator and the names of the decorator/s it is composed of.


decorator :foo { ... }
decorator :bar { ... }
compose( :simple => :foo ) { ... }
compose( :complex => [:foo, :bar] ) { ... }
compose( :complex_with_args => {foo: [1,2], bar: "Something"} ) { ... }
# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 83
def compose( **hash, &block )
        name, components = hash.first

        raise ArgumentError, "expected a name and one or more component decorators" unless name
        unless [Symbol, Array, Hash].include?( components.class )
                raise ArgumentError, "invalid compose values: expected symbol, array, or hash; got %p" %
                        [ components.class ]

        options = hash.reject {|k,_| k == name }.merge( prelude: components )
        block ||= Proc.new {}

        self.decorator( name, **options, &block )
decorator( name, **options, &block )

Declare a decorator for the fixture with the specified name that will use the given block.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 65
def decorator( name, **options, &block )
        name = name.to_sym
        self.decorators[ name ] = block
        self.decorator_options[ name ] = options
decorator?( name )

Returns true if there is a decorator with the specified name.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 111
def decorator?( name )
        return self.decorators.key?( name.to_sym )
Also aliased as: has_decorator?
depends_on( *other_fixtures )

Register one or more other_fixtures that should be loaded when this fixture is loaded.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 58
def depends_on( *other_fixtures )
        self.collection.load( *other_fixtures )
factory( *args, &block )

Return an instance of Cozy::FluentFixtures::FluentFactory for the base fixture of the receiving module.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 144
def factory( *args, &block )
        return FluentFixtures::Factory.new( self, *args, &block )
fixtured_class( new_class=nil )

Get/set the Class the fixture will use.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 50
def fixtured_class( new_class=nil )
        @fixtured_class = new_class if new_class
        return @fixtured_class
fixtured_instance( *args, &block )

Return an unsaved instance of the fixtured class with the specified args and block, applying the base decorator if there is one.

# File lib/fluent_fixtures/dsl.rb, line 151
def fixtured_instance( *args, &block )
        fixclass = self.fixtured_class or
                raise ScriptError, "%p doesn't declare its fixtured class!" % [ self ]

        instance = fixclass.new( *args, &block )

        if (( base_decorator = self.decorators[:_] ))
                self.log.debug "Applying base decorator to %p" % [ instance ]
                instance.instance_exec( &base_decorator )

        return instance
has_decorator?( name )
Alias for: decorator?