A Foreman exporter for daemontools. This exports processes from the Procfile as a hierarchy of directories intended to be run under ‘supervise’
Some of this code was borrowed from the ‘runit’ exporter.
The data directory in the project if that exists, otherwise the gem datadir
Pattern used to extract inline env variables from the command
Directory to look in for personal templates
Version-control revision constant
Library version constant
The Logger object that gets exporter output
The list of directories to search in for templates
Main API method – export the loaded Procfile as supervise service directories
# File lib/foreman/export/daemontools.rb, line 72
def export
servicedir = self.location or
raise Foreman::Export::Exception, "No service directory specified."
servicedir = Pathname( servicedir )
app = self.app || File.basename( self.engine.directory )
user = self.user || app
unless servicedir.exist?
say "Creating #{servicedir}..."
engine.procfile.entries.each do |process|
say "Setting up %s-%s service directories..." % [ app, process.name ]
count = self.concurrency[ process.name ]
say " concurrency = #{count}"
procdir = servicedir + "%s-%s" % [ app, process.name ]
# Create a numbered service dir for each instance if there are
# more than one
if count != 1
1.upto( count ) do |i|
self.write_servicedir( process, Pathname(procdir.to_s + "-#{i}"), user, i )
self.write_servicedir( process, procdir, user )
Load the daemontools template for the file named name
, and
return it as an ERB object.
# File lib/foreman/export/daemontools.rb, line 144
def load_template( name )
template_name = "#{name}.erb"
template = self.template_search_path.
map {|dir| dir + template_name }.
find {|tmpl| tmpl.exist? }
template or raise Foreman::Export::Exception,
"Can't find the %p template in any of: %p" %
[ name, self.template_search_path.map(&:to_s) ]
erbtmpl = ERB.new( template.read, nil, '<%>' )
Write a supervise directory to targetdir
# File lib/foreman/export/daemontools.rb, line 104
def write_servicedir( process, procdir, user, num=1 )
say "Making directory %s..." % [ procdir ]
# Write the down file to keep the service from spinning up before the user has
# a chance to look things over
write_file( procdir + 'down', '' )
# Set up logging
say " setting up logging..."
logdir = procdir + 'log'
logruntmpl = self.load_template( 'log-run' )
runfile = logdir + 'run'
write_file( runfile, logruntmpl.result(binding()) )
runfile.chmod( 0755 )
# Set up the envdir
say " setting up environment variables..."
envdir = procdir + 'env'
port = engine.port_for( process, num, self.port )
environment_variables = { 'PORT' => port }.
merge( engine.environment ).
merge( inline_variables(process.command) )
environment_variables.each_pair do |var, env|
write_file( envdir + var, env )
# Set up the runfile
runtmpl = self.load_template( 'run' )
runfile = procdir + 'run'
write_file( runfile, runtmpl.result(binding()) )
runfile.chmod( 0755 )
Set up the template root
# File lib/foreman/export/daemontools.rb, line 50
def initialize( location, engine, options={} ) # :notnew:
@logger = Logger.new( $stderr )
@template_search_path = [ HOME_TEMPLATEDIR, DEFAULT_DATADIR + 'templates' ]
@template_search_path.unshift( Pathname(options[:template]) ) if options.key?( :template )
Override to output to the logger instead of STDERR.
# File lib/foreman/export/daemontools.rb, line 163
def say( message )
@logger.info( '[foreman export]' ) { message }
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