A filter for inline example code or command-line sessions – does syntax-checking for some languages and captioning.
Examples are enclosed in XML processing instructions like so:
<?example {language: ruby, testable: true, caption: "A fine example"} ?> a = 1 puts a <?end example ?>
This will be pulled out into a preformatted section in the HTML, highlighted as Ruby source, checked for valid syntax, and annotated with the specified caption. Valid keys in the example PI are:
Specifies which (machine) language the example is in.
If set and there is a testing function for the given language, run it and append any errors to the output.
A small blurb to put below the pulled-out example in the HTML.
PI ::= '<?' PITarget (S (Char* - (Char* '?>' Char*)))? '?>'
Defer loading of dependenies until the filter is loaded
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 64
def initialize( *args )
require 'pathname'
require 'strscan'
require 'yaml'
require 'rcodetools/xmpfilter'
require 'digest/md5'
require 'tmpdir'
require 'erb'
Highlights the given content
in language lang
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 223
def highlight( content, options, lang )
source = ERB::Util.html_escape( content )
return %Q{\n\n<pre class="brush:#{lang}">#{source}</pre>\n\n}
Parse an options hash for filtering from the given args
, which
can either be a plain String, in which case it is assumed to be the name of
the language the example is in, or a Hash of configuration options.
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 155
def parse_options( args )
args = "{ #{args} }" unless args.strip[0] == ?{
args = YAML.load( args )
# Convert to Symbol keys and value
args.keys.each do |k|
newval = args.delete( k )
next if newval.nil? || (newval.respond_to?(:size) && newval.size == 0)
args[ k.to_sym ] = newval.respond_to?( :to_sym ) ? newval.to_sym : newval
return DEFAULTS.merge( args )
Process the given source
for <?example … ?>
processing-instructions, calling out
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 80
def process( source, page, metadata )
scanner = StringScanner.new( source )
buffer = ''
until scanner.eos?
startpos = scanner.pos
# If we find an example
if scanner.skip_until( ExamplePI )
contents = ''
# Append the interstitial content to the buffer
if ( scanner.pos - startpos > scanner.matched.length )
offset = scanner.pos - scanner.matched.length - 1
buffer << scanner.string[ startpos..offset ]
# Append everything up to it to the buffer and save the contents of
# the tag
params = scanner[1]
# Now find the end of the example or complain
contentpos = scanner.pos
scanner.skip_until( EndPI ) or
raise "Unterminated example at line %d" %
[ scanner.string[0..scanner.pos].count("\n") ]
# Now build the example and append to the buffer
if ( scanner.pos - contentpos > scanner.matched.length )
offset = scanner.pos - scanner.matched.length - 1
contents = scanner.string[ contentpos..offset ]
trace "Processing with params: %p, contents: %p" % [ params, contents ]
buffer << self.process_example( params, contents, page )
buffer << scanner.rest
return buffer
Filter out 'example' macros, doing syntax highlighting, and running 'testable' examples through a validation process appropriate to the language the example is in.
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 130
def process_example( params, body, page )
options = self.parse_options( params )
caption = options.delete( :caption )
content = ''
lang = options.delete( :language ).to_s
# Test it if it's testable
if options[:testable]
content = test_content( body, lang, page )
content = body
# Strip trailing blank lines and syntax-highlight
content = highlight( content.strip, options, lang )
caption = %Q{<div class="caption">} + caption.to_s + %Q{</div>} if caption
return %Q{<notextile><div class="example #{lang}-example">%s%s</div></notextile>} %
[content, caption || '']
Test the given content
with a rule specific to the given
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 170
def test_content( body, language, page )
case language.to_sym
when :ruby
return self.test_ruby_content( body, page )
when :yaml
return self.test_yaml_content( body, page )
return body
Test the specified Ruby content for valid syntax
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 185
def test_ruby_content( source, page )
# $stderr.puts "Testing ruby content..."
libdir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent + 'lib'
extdir = Pathname.new( __FILE__ ).dirname.parent.parent.parent + 'ext'
options = Rcodetools::XMPFilter::INITIALIZE_OPTS.dup
options[:include_paths] |= [ libdir.to_s, extdir.to_s ]
options[:width] = 60
if page.config['example_prelude']
prelude = page.config['example_prelude']
trace " prepending prelude:\n#{prelude}"
source = prelude.strip + "\n" + source.strip
trace " no prelude; page config is: %p" % [ page.config ]
rval = Rcodetools::XMPFilter.run( source, options )
trace "test output: ", rval
return rval.join
rescue Exception => err
return "%s while testing: %s\n %s" %
[ err.class.name, err.message, err.backtrace.join("\n ") ]
Test the specified YAML content for valid syntax
# File lib/hoe/manualgen/examples-filter.rb, line 213
def test_yaml_content( source, metadata )
YAML.load( source )
rescue YAML::Error => err
return "# Invalid YAML: " + err.message + "\n" + source
return source