Indefinite article methods for the English-language Linguistics module.
This pattern matches strings of capitals starting with a “vowel-sound” consonant followed by another consonant, and which are not likely to be real words (oh, all right then, it's just magic!)
Exceptions to exceptions
This pattern codes the beginnings of all english words begining with a 'y' followed by a consonant. Any other y-consonant prefix therefore implies an abbreviation.
Words which always indicate zero quantity
Return the inflected phrase with the appropriate indefinite article (“a” or “an”) prepended.
# File lib/linguistics/en/articles.rb, line 106
def a( count=nil )
count ||= 1
phrase = self.to_s
md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase )
pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3]
return phrase if word.nil? or word.empty?
result = word.en.indef_article
return pre + result + post
Returns the given word with a prepended indefinite article, unless
is non-nil and not singular.
# File lib/linguistics/en/articles.rb, line 50
def indef_article( count=nil )
word = self.to_s
self.log.debug "Fetching the indefinite article for %p (count = %p)" % [ word, count ]
return "#{count} #{word}" if
count && /^(#{PL_count_one})$/i !~ count.to_s
# Handle user-defined variants
# return value if value = ud_match( word, A_a_user_defined )
self.log.debug " count wasn't a definite singular countword"
case word
# Handle special cases
when /^(#{A_explicit_an})/i
return "an #{word}"
# Handle abbreviations
when A_abbrev
return "an #{word}"
when /^[aefhilmnorsx][.-]/i
return "an #{word}"
when /^[a-z][.-]/i
return "a #{word}"
# Handle consonants
when /^[^aeiouy]/i
return "a #{word}"
# Handle special vowel-forms
when /^e[uw]/i
return "a #{word}"
when /^onc?e\b/i
return "a #{word}"
when /^uni([^nmd]|mo)/i
return "a #{word}"
when /^u[bcfhjkqrst][aeiou]/i
return "a #{word}"
# Handle vowels
when /^[aeiou]/i
return "an #{word}"
# Handle y... (before certain consonants implies (unnaturalized) "i.." sound)
when A_y_cons
return "an #{word}"
# Otherwise, guess "a"
return "a #{word}"
Translate zero-quantified phrase
to “no
# File lib/linguistics/en/articles.rb, line 123
def no( count=nil )
phrase = self.to_s
md = /\A(\s*)(.+?)(\s*)\Z/.match( phrase )
pre, word, post = md.to_a[1,3]
count ||= 0
unless /^#{PL_count_zero}$/ =~ count.to_s
return "#{pre}#{count} " + plural( word, count ) + post
return "#{pre}no " + word.en.plural( 0 ) + post