
Override class

A class which encapsulates the logic and data of temporarily overriding one or more aspects of logging for the execution of one or more blocks of code.

It’s not meant to be used directly, but via one of the override aggregate methods on Loggability:


log_hosts RW

The log hosts the Override will be applied to during an overridden call. If this is nil, all log hosts will be affected.

overridden_settings RW

The original settings preserved by the Override during a call to call, keyed by the logger they belong to.

settings R

The Override’s settings Hash (the settings that will be applied during an overridden call).

Public Class Methods

for_logger( *log_hosts, &block )
Set up an Override that will only apply to the specified +log_hosts+. If called
with a +block+, call #call immediately on the Override with the block and return

the result of that instead.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 49
def self::for_logger( *log_hosts, &block )
        return self.new( log_hosts: log_hosts, &block )
formatted_with( new_formatter, &block )

Set up an Override with its logging formatter set to formatter. If called with a block, call call immediately on the Override with the block and return the result of that instead.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 41
def self::formatted_with( new_formatter, &block )
        return self.new( formatter: new_formatter, &block )
new( settings={} )

Create a new Override with the specified settings that will be applied during a call to call, and then reverted when call returns. Valid settings are:


Set the level of all Loggers to the value.


Set the destination log device of all Loggers to the value.


Set the affected log hosts to the value.


Set the formatter for all Loggers to the value (a Loggability::Formatter).

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 67
def initialize( settings={} )

        @log_hosts = settings.delete( :log_hosts )
        @settings = settings
        @overridden_settings = nil
outputting_to( new_destination, &block )

Set up an Override with its logging output set to new_destination. If called with a block, call call immediately on the Override with the block and return the result of that instead.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 33
def self::outputting_to( new_destination, &block )
        return self.new( logdev: new_destination, &block )
with_level( new_level, &block )

Set up an Override with its logging level set to newlevel. If called with a block, call call immediately on the Override with the block and return the result of that instead.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 25
def self::with_level( new_level, &block )
        return self.new( level: new_level, &block )

Public Instance Methods

call() { || ... }

Call the provided block with configured overrides applied, and then restore the previous settings before control is returned.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 107
def call
for_logger( *hosts, &block )

Return a clone of the receiving Override with its log hosts set to hosts (instead of affecting all registered log hosts)

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 142
def for_logger( *hosts, &block )
        raise ArgumentError, "no log hosts given" if hosts.empty?
        return self.clone_with( log_hosts: hosts, &block )
Also aliased as: for_loggers
for_loggers( *hosts, &block )
Alias for: for_logger
formatted_with( new_formatter, &block )

Return a clone of the receiving Override with its logging formatter set to formatter.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 135
def formatted_with( new_formatter, &block )
        return self.clone_with( formatter: new_formatter, &block )
initialize_copy( original )

Copy constructor – make copies of the internal data structures when duplicated.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 78
def initialize_copy( original )
        @log_hosts = original.log_hosts.dup if original.log_hosts
        @settings = original.settings.dup
        @overridden_settings = nil

Return the object as a human-readable string suitable for debugging.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 150
def inspect
        return "#<%p:%#016x formatter: %s, level: %s, output: %s, affecting %s log hosts>" % [
                self.object_id * 2,
                self.settings[:formatter] || '-',
                self.settings[:level] || '-',
                self.settings[:logdev] ? self.settings[:logdev].class : '-',
                self.log_hosts ? self.log_hosts.length.to_s : "all",
outputting_to( new_destination, &block )

Return a clone of the receiving Override with its logging output set to new_destination.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 128
def outputting_to( new_destination, &block )
        return self.clone_with( logdev: new_destination, &block )
with_level( new_level, &block )

Return a clone of the receiving Override with its logging level set to newlevel.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 121
def with_level( new_level, &block )
        return self.clone_with( level: new_level, &block )

Protected Instance Methods


Apply any configured overrides to all loggers.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 196
def apply_overrides
        self.synchronize do
                raise LocalJumpError, "can't be called re-entrantly" if self.overridden_settings
                self.overridden_settings = self.gather_current_settings

        self.log_hosts_to_affect.each do |host|
                host.logger.restore_settings( self.settings )
clone_with( new_settings, &block )

Return a clone that has been modified with the specified new_settings.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 167
def clone_with( new_settings, &block )
        newobj = self.dup
        newobj.merge_settings( new_settings )

        if block
                return newobj.call( &block )
                return newobj

Return a Hash of Loggers with the settings they currently have.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 209
def gather_current_settings
        return self.log_hosts_to_affect.each_with_object( {} ) do |host, hash|
                hash[ host ] = host.logger.settings

Return the log hosts that should be affected by the Override.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 189
def log_hosts_to_affect
        rval = Array( self.log_hosts || Loggability.log_hosts.values ).uniq
        return rval.map {|obj| Loggability.log_host_for(obj) }
merge_settings( new_settings )

Merge any new_settings into the receiving Override.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 180
def merge_settings( new_settings )
        if (( new_hosts = new_settings.delete(:log_hosts) ))
                self.log_hosts = new_hosts
        self.settings.merge!( new_settings )

Restore the last settings saved by apply_overrides to their corresponding loggers.

# File lib/loggability/override.rb, line 218
def restore_overridden_settings
        return unless self.overridden_settings

        self.overridden_settings.each do |host, settings|
                host.logger.restore_settings( settings )

        self.overridden_settings = nil