Developer Notes

Characteristics of an observation:


Classes which are Observable will:

The Observability module will:

Possible Datapoints

- * Structured data * Tracing+events

Event Naming Convention

Event names are dot-separated namespaces for events. You can use any convention that makes sense for your organization, but we suggest a convention like:


For a class named FM::Manager::Players, an event sent for a method called connect_player might be:


And an exception raised from that method call might generate:


For the Sequel database toolkit, establishing a PostgreSQL connection might generate an event named:


and if the connection subsequently failed, it might be followed with:


Event “Models”

If you pass a :model option when creating an event, you can pre-populate an event with a bunch of useful datapoints. Some ideas for models:

process : Adds information about the current process: e.g., getrusage(2) deltas, pid, pgid, ppid, uid, euid, egid, utime, stime, cutime, cstime : The context should be a method that is called when a process starts and which returns when the process is going to shut down or has been shut down.

loop : Adds information about the execution of a loop: e.g., getrusage(2) deltas, GC stats, etc. : It should be created immediately inside the loop to be measured.

thread : Adds information about the execution of a thread: e.g., thread ID, name, priority, etc.

Unresolved Issues