A componented state object in a Pushdown
The state data object that was used to create the State
(if any)
Inheritance callback – allow subclasses to be instantiated, and add some class-instance data to them.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 26
def self::inherited( subclass )
subclass.public_class_method( :new )
subclass.instance_variable_set( :@transitions, {} )
Set up new States with an optional data
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 60
def initialize( data=nil )
@data = data
Register a transition type
declaration method.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 39
def self::register_transition( type )
type = type.to_sym
meth = lambda do |transition_name, *args|
self.transitions[ transition_name ] = [ type, *args ]
method_name = "transition_%s" % [ type ]
self.log.info "Setting up transition declaration method %p" % [ method_name ]
define_singleton_method( method_name, &meth )
Return the transition's type as a lowercase Symbol, such as that specified in transition declarations.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 53
def self::type_name
class_name = self.name or return :anonymous
return class_name.sub( /.*::/, '' ).downcase.to_sym
Return a description of the State
as an engine phrase.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 144
def description
return "%#x" % [ self.class.object_id ] unless self.class.name
return self.class.name.sub( /.*::/, '' ).
gsub( /([A-Z])([A-Z])/ ) { "#$1 #$2" }.
gsub( /([a-z])([A-Z])/ ) { "#$1 #$2" }.downcase
Event callback – called by the automaton when its on<stackname>event method is called. This method can return a Transition or a Symbol which maps to one.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 109
def on_event( event, *args )
return nil # no-op
Stack callback – called when another state is pushed over this one.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 91
def on_pause
return nil # no-op
Stack callback – called when another state is popped off from in front of this one, making it the current state.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 98
def on_resume
return nil # no-op
Stack callback – called when the state is added to the stack.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 79
def on_start
return nil # no-op
Stack callback – called when the state is removed from the stack.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 85
def on_stop
return nil # no-op
callback – interval callback called when the state is on the stack, even when the state is not the current one.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 127
def shadow_update( *data )
return nil # no-op
Create a new instance of Pushdown::Transition
named transition_name
that has been declared using one of the Transition Declaration methods.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 154
def transition( transition_name, automaton, stack_name )
self.log.debug "Looking up the %p transition for %p via %p" %
[ transition_name, self, automaton ]
transition_type, state_class_name = self.class.transitions[ transition_name ]
raise "no such transition %p for %p" % [ transition_name, self.class ] unless transition_type
if state_class_name
state_class = automaton.class.pushdown_state_class( stack_name, state_class_name )
state_data = self.data
return Pushdown::Transition.
create( transition_type, transition_name, state_class, state_data )
return Pushdown::Transition.create( transition_type, transition_name )
Return the transition's type as a lowercase Symbol, such as that specified in transition declarations.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 138
def type_name
return self.class.type_name
Allow introspection on declared transitions
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 21
singleton_class.attr_reader :transitions
callback – interval callback called when the state is the current one. This method can return a Transition or a Symbol which maps to one.
# File lib/pushdown/state.rb, line 120
def update( *data )
return nil # no-op