A Lexical Unit in FrameNet.
References: - framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/fndrupal/glossary#lexical-unit
The name of the associated Frame
The LexicalUnit's id
The unit's name
The part of speech the unit represents
The unit's status in FrameNet
The number of annotated sentences in all corpuses for this unit
Extract LexicalUnits from the frame data in the specified doc
(a LibXML::XML::Document
parsed from frame XML) and return them as an Array.
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 42
def self::from_frame_data( doc )
return doc.find( '//fn:lexUnit' ).map do |node|
id = node['ID']
self.load( id )
Create a LexicalUnit from the data in the
given doc
(a LibXML::XML::Document parsed from
lu XML)
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 52
def self::from_lu_document( doc )
return new do |lu|
lu.id = doc.root['ID'].to_i
lu.status = doc.root['Status']
lu.pos = doc.root['POS']
lu.name = doc.root['name']
lu.total_annotated = doc.root['totalAnnotated'].to_i
lu.frame_name = doc.root['frame'].to_sym
Load a LexicalUnit from the XML for the
lexical unit with the given id
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 22
def self::load( id )
path = "lu/lu%d.xml" % [ id.to_i ]
doc = FrameNet.load_document( path ) or return nil
return self.from_lu_document( doc )
Load any LexicalUnits with the given name
(in the form
<word>.<pos>) and return them as an Array.
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 31
def self::load_by_name( name )
xpath = %Q{//fn:lu[@name="%s"]} % [ name ]
index = FrameNet.lu_index
return index.find( xpath ).map do |node|
self.load( node['ID'] )
Create a new LexicalUnit and yield it to a block if given.
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 66
def initialize
@id = nil
@status = nil
@pos = nil
@name = nil
@total_annotated = 0
@frame_name = nil
@frame = nil
yield( self ) if block_given?
Return the FrameNet::Frame associated with this lexical unit, loading it if necessary.
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 112
def frame
raise "No frame_name has been set for this unit!" unless self.frame_name
return @frame ||= FrameNet[ self.frame_name ]
Set the FrameNet::Frame associated with this
lexical unit to new_frame
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 119
def frame=( new_frame )
self.frame_name = new_frame.name.to_sym
Return the LexicalUnit as a human-readable string suitable for debugging.
# File lib/frame_net/frame/lexical_unit.rb, line 125
def inspect
return %Q{#<%p:%#016x %s [%d] → |%s|>} % [
self.object_id * 2,
self.id || 0,