A collection of statistics functions for various Symphony
systems. Special thanks to Justin Z. Smith <justin@statisticool.com> for the maths. Good luck with your search for economic collapse in applesauce!
The default number of samples to keep
The number of samples to keep for analysis, and required before trending is performed.
Samples of the number of pending jobs
Set up some instance variables for tracking statistical info when the object is created.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 18
def initialize( * )
@samples = []
@sample_size = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_SIZE
@counter = 0
Add the specified value
as a sample for the current time.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 36
def add_sample( value )
@samples << [ Time.now.to_f, value ]
@samples.shift( @samples.size - self.sample_size ) if @samples.size > self.sample_size
@counter = ( @counter + 1 ) % 3
Predict the likelihood that an upward trend will continue based on linear regression analysis of the given samples. If the value returned is >= 3.0, the values are statistically trending upwards, which in Symphony's case means that the workers are not handling the incoming work.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 66
def calculate_trend
return 0 unless self.samples.size >= self.sample_size
# Loggability[ Symphony ].debug "%d samples of required %d" % [ self.samples.size, self.sample_size ]
x_vec, y_vec = self.samples.transpose
y_avg = y_vec.inject( :+ ).to_f / y_vec.size
x_avg = x_vec.inject( :+ ).to_f / x_vec.size
# Find slope and y-intercept.
n = d = 0
samples.each do |x, y_val|
xv = x - x_avg
n = n + ( xv * ( y_val - y_avg ) )
d = d + ( xv ** 2 )
slope = n/d
y_intercept = y_avg - ( slope * x_avg )
# Find stderr.
r = s = 0
samples.each do |x, y_val|
yv = ( slope * x ) + y_intercept
r = r + ( (y_val - yv) ** 2 )
s = s + ( (x - x_avg) ** 2 )
stde = Math.sqrt( (r / ( samples.size - 2 )) / s )
# Loggability[ Symphony ].debug " job sampling trend is: %f" % [ slope / stde ] if
# @counter.zero?
return slope / stde
Return the mean of the job count samples.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 56
def mean_jobcount
return 0 unless self.samples.size >= self.sample_size
return @samples.map( &:last ).reduce( :+ ) / @samples.length.to_f
Returns true
if the samples gathered so far indicate a downwards trend.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 50
def sample_values_decreasing?
return self.calculate_trend < -3
Returns true
if the samples gathered so far indicate an upwards trend.
# File lib/symphony/statistics.rb, line 44
def sample_values_increasing?
return self.calculate_trend > 3