Schema Introspection

The information about the structure of the directory comes from its schema, and Treequel provides instrospection tools for accessing it in an object-oriented manner. You can get the Treequel::Schema from the directory by calling its Treequel::Directory#schema method.

irb> dir.schema
# => #<Treequel::Schema:0x66511b 1119 attribute types, 31 ldap syntaxes, 54 matching rule uses, 72 matching rules, 310 object classes>

Object Classes

You can fetch information about the ObjectClasses the directory knows about through the schema's Treequel::Schema#object_classes Hash:

irb> dir.schema.object_classes[:inetOrgPerson] 
# => #<Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass:0x65d91b inetOrgPerson(2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2) < "organizationalPerson" "RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person" MUST: [], MAY: [:audio, :businessCategory, :carLicense, :departmentNumber, :displayName, :employeeNumber, :employeeType, :givenName, :homePhone, :homePostalAddress, :initials, :jpegPhoto, :labeledURI, :mail, :manager, :mobile, :o, :pager, :photo, :roomNumber, :secretary, :uid, :userCertificate, :x500uniqueIdentifier, :preferredLanguage, :userSMIMECertificate, :userPKCS12]>

This hash is keyed by both OID and any associated names (as Symbols), and the value is a Treequel::Schema::ObjectClass object that contains the information about that objectClass parsed from the schema.

irb> inetOrgPerson = dir.schema.object_classes[:inetOrgPerson] 
# => #<Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass ...>
irb> inetOrgPerson.oid
# => "2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.2"
irb> inetOrgPerson.names
# => [:inetOrgPerson]
irb> inetOrgPerson.may_oids
# => [:audio, :businessCategory, :carLicense, :departmentNumber, :displayName, :employeeNumber, :employeeType, :givenName, :homePhone, :homePostalAddress, :initials, :jpegPhoto, :labeledURI, :mail, :manager, :mobile, :o, :pager, :photo, :roomNumber, :secretary, :uid, :userCertificate, :x500uniqueIdentifier, :preferredLanguage, :userSMIMECertificate, :userPKCS12]
irb> inetOrgPerson.desc
# => "RFC2798: Internet Organizational Person"
irb> inetOrgPerson.sup
# => #<Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass:0x65fe6e person( < #<Treequel::Schema::AbstractObjectClass:0x6637ad top( < nil "top of the superclass chain" MUST: [:objectClass], MAY: []> "RFC2256: a person" MUST: [:sn, :cn], MAY: [:userPassword, :telephoneNumber, :seeAlso, :description]>

Treequel::Branch objects provide a shortcut for looking up the Treequel::ObjectClass objects that correspond to its objectClass properties:

irb> dir.base.object_classes
# => [#<Treequel::Schema::AuxiliaryObjectClass:0x68b168 dcObject( < #<Treequel::Schema::AbstractObjectClass:0x690555 top( < nil "top of the superclass chain" MUST: [:objectClass], MAY: []> "RFC2247: domain component object" MUST: [:dc], MAY: []>, #<Treequel::Schema::StructuralObjectClass:0x68d02b organization( < #<Treequel::Schema::AbstractObjectClass:0x690555 top( < nil "top of the superclass chain" MUST: [:objectClass], MAY: []> "RFC2256: an organization" MUST: [:o], MAY: [:userPassword, :searchGuide, :seeAlso, :businessCategory, :x121Address, :registeredAddress, :destinationIndicator, :preferredDeliveryMethod, :telexNumber, :teletexTerminalIdentifier, :telephoneNumber, :internationaliSDNNumber, :facsimileTelephoneNumber, :street, :postOfficeBox, :postalCode, :postalAddress, :physicalDeliveryOfficeName, :st, :l, :description]>]

Attribute Types

You can also fetch introspection information on entry attributeTypes via the schema's #attribute_types Hash:

irb> dir.schema.attribute_types[:surname]
# => #<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x146abd sn( "RFC2256: last (family) name(s) for which the entity is known by" SYNTAX: nil (length: unlimited)>

Like with objectClasses, they are keyed both by numeric OID strings and their associated names (as Symbols), and the values are instances of Treequel::Schema::AttributeType.

irb> sn = dir.schema.attribute_types[:surname]
# => #<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x696ec8 sn( "RFC2256: last (family) name(s) for which the entity is known by" SYNTAX: nil (length: unlimited)>
irb> sn.oid
# => ""
irb> sn.names
# => [:sn, :surname]
irb> sn.desc
# => "RFC2256: last (family) name(s) for which the entity is known by"
irb> sn.obsolete?
# => false
irb> sn.sup
sn.sup_oid   sn.sup_oid=  sn.sup       
irb> sn.sup
# => #<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x69e542 name( "RFC4519: common supertype of name attributes" SYNTAX: "" (length: 32768)>
irb> sn.eq
sn.eql?                    sn.eqmatch_oid=            sn.equal?                  sn.equality_matching_rule  
irb> sn.equal
sn.equal?                  sn.equality_matching_rule  
irb> sn.equality_matching_rule
# => #<Treequel::Schema::MatchingRule:0x687f7c caseIgnoreMatch(  SYNTAX: #<Treequel::Schema::LDAPSyntax:0x689043 String)>>
irb> sn.substr_matching_rule
# => #<Treequel::Schema::MatchingRule:0x688026 caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch(  SYNTAX: nil>
irb> sn.user_modifiable?
# => true

Branches also know how to fetch the attribute types that are allowed by their objectClasses' MUST and MAY OIDs:

irb> base = dir.base
# => #<Treequel::Branch:0x1a7f8cc dc=acme,dc=com @ localhost:389 (dc=acme,dc=com, tls, anonymous) entry=nil>
irb> base.may_oids
# => [:userPassword, :searchGuide, :seeAlso, :businessCategory, :x121Address, :registeredAddress, :destinationIndicator, :preferredDeliveryMethod, :telexNumber, :teletexTerminalIdentifier, :telephoneNumber, :internationaliSDNNumber, :facsimileTelephoneNumber, :street, :postOfficeBox, :postalCode, :postalAddress, :physicalDeliveryOfficeName, :st, :l, :description]
irb> base.may_attribute_types
# => [#<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x69e1af userPassword( "RFC4519/2307: password of user" SYNTAX: "" (length: 128)>, #<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x6968ce searchGuide( "RFC2256: search guide, deprecated by enhancedSearchGuide" SYNTAX: "" (length: unlimited)>, #<Treequel::Schema::AttributeType:0x69dfa7 seeAlso( "RFC4519: DN of related object" SYNTAX: nil (length: unlimited)>, ...]

Other Schema Information

The Schema object also facilitates access to the directory's syntaxes and matching rules via the Treequel::Schema::LDAPSyntax, Treequel::Schema::MatchingRule, and Treequel::Schema::MatchingRuleUse classes. They are accessed via the Treequel::Schema#ldap_syntaxes, Treequel::Schema::#matching_rules, and Treequel::Schema#matching_rule_uses attributes of the Schema, respectively. They, like #object_classes and #attribute_types, are Hashes keyed both by OID and names as Symbols.