
Extended With

A Dictionary is the programmer's handle on the set of word definitions that defines the grammar. A user creates a Dictionary from a grammar file and post-process knowledge file, and then creates all other objects through it.



The LinkParser::ParseOptions object for the Dictionary

Public Class Methods

LinkParser::Dictionary.new( *args ) → dict

Create a new LinkParser::Dictionary.

The preferred way to set up the dictionary is to call it with no arguments, which will look for a dictionary with the same language as the current environment. Alternatively, a fixed language can be specified by specifying an ISO639 language code, for example, LinkParser::Dictionary.new( :en ).

Explicit dictionary file names can be also specified, like so:

Dictionary.new( dict_file,
                affix_file )

This mode of dictionary construction is not recommended for new development, and is intended for advanced users only. To create the dictionary, the Dictionary looks in the current directory and the data directory for the files dict_file, post_process_file, constituent_knowledge_file, and affix_file. The last three entries may be omitted. If dict_file is a fully specified path name, then the other file names, which need not be fully specified, will be prefixed by the directory specified by dict_file.

In any case, a Hash of options can be specified which will be used as default ParseOption attributes for any sentences created from it.

    dict = LinkParser::Dictionary.new

    dict = LinkParser::Dictionary.new( :de )

    dict = LinkParser::Dictionary.new( '/var/data/custom_dicts/4.2.dict' )
static VALUE
rlink_dict_initialize( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self )
        if ( !check_dict(self) ) {
                int i = 0;
                struct rlink_dictionary *ptr = NULL;
                Dictionary dict = NULL;
                VALUE arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 = Qnil;
                VALUE lang = Qnil;
                VALUE opthash = Qnil;

                switch( i = rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "05", &arg1, &arg2, &arg3, &arg4, &arg5) ) {
                  /* Dictionary.new */
                  case 0:
                        rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "No arguments" );

                  /* Dictionary.new( lang )*/
                  /* Dictionary.new( opthash )*/
                  case 1:
                        if( TYPE(arg1) == T_HASH ) {
                                rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "One arg: options hash." );
                                opthash = arg1;
                        } else {
                                rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "One arg: language" );
                                lang = arg1;

                  /* Dictionary.new( lang, opthash ) */
                  case 2:
                        rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Two args: language and options hash." );
                        lang = arg1;
                        opthash = arg2;

                  /* Dictionary.new( dict, pp, cons, affix ) */
                  /* Dictionary.new( dict, pp, cons, affix, opthash ) */
                  case 4:
                  case 5:
                        rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Four or five args: old-style explicit dict files." );
                        dict = rlink_make_oldstyle_dict( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 );
                        opthash = arg5;

                  /* Anything else is an error */
                        rb_raise( rb_eArgError,
                                "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0,1,2,4, or 5)", i );

                /* Create the dictionary if it hasn't been already */
                if ( !dict && i < 4 ) {
                        if ( RTEST(lang) ) {
                                SafeStringValue( lang );
                                dict = dictionary_create_lang( StringValuePtr(lang) );
                        } else {
                                dict = dictionary_create_default_lang();

                /* If the dictionary still isn't created, there was an error
                   creating it */
                if ( !dict ) rlink_raise_lp_error();

                rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Created dictionary %p", dict );
                DATA_PTR( self ) = ptr = rlink_dictionary_alloc();

                ptr->dict = dict;

                /* If they passed in an options hash, save it for later. */
                if ( RTEST(opthash) ) {
                        rb_iv_set( self, "@options", opthash );
                } else {
                        rb_iv_set( self, "@options", rb_hash_new() );

        else {
                rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Cannot re-initialize a Dictionary object." );

        return Qnil;

Public Instance Methods

parse( string ) → sentence
parse( string, options ) → sentence

Parse the specified sentence string with the dictionary and return a LinkParser::Sentence. If you specify an options hash, its values will override those of the Dictionary's for the resulting Sentence.

static VALUE
rlink_parse( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self )
        VALUE input_string, options, sentence;
        VALUE args[2];
        int i;

        i = rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "11", &input_string, &options );

        /* Create the new sentence */
        args[0] = input_string;
        args[1] = self;
        sentence = rb_class_new_instance( 2, args, rlink_cSentence );

        /* Now call #parse on it */
        if ( i == 1 )
                rb_funcall( sentence, rb_intern("parse"), 0, 0 );
                rb_funcall( sentence, rb_intern("parse"), 1, options );

        return sentence;