
Extended With

This is the API's representation of a parse. A LinkParser::Sentence may have one or more of LinkParser::Linkages, each of which represents one possible structure of the sentence. It can be thought of as a Sentence together with a collection of links. If the parse has a conjunction, then the Linkage is made up of at least two “sublinkages”. A Linkage can be pretty printed in either ASCII or Postscript format, and individual links can be extracted.


Descriptions of the linkage types, keyed by linkage symbol Loaded from the data section of this file, which is generated with the experiments/build_linktype_hash.rb script

Link struct (:lword, :rword, :length, :label, :llabel, :rlabel, :desc)

Public Class Methods

new( index, sentence, options={} ) → LinkParser::Linkage

Create a new LinkParser::Linkage object out of the linkage indicated by index (a positive Integer) from the specified sentence (a LinkParser::Sentence). The optional options hash can be used to override the parse options of the Sentence for the new linkage.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_init( argc, argv, self )
        int argc;
        VALUE *argv;
        VALUE self;
        if ( !check_linkage(self) ) {
                int i, link_index, max_index;
                VALUE index, sentence, options, defopts;
                struct rlink_sentence *sent_ptr;
                Linkage linkage;
                Parse_Options opts;
                struct rlink_linkage *ptr;

                i = rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "21", &index, &sentence, &options );

                defopts = rb_hash_new(); /*rb_funcall( sentence, rb_intern("options"), 0 );*/
                options = rlink_make_parse_options( defopts, options );
                opts = rlink_get_parseopts( options );

                sent_ptr = (struct rlink_sentence *)rlink_get_sentence( sentence );

                link_index = NUM2INT(index);
                max_index = sentence_num_valid_linkages((Sentence)sent_ptr->sentence) - 1;
                if ( link_index > max_index )
                        rb_raise( rlink_eLpError, "Invalid linkage %d (max is %d)",
                                link_index, max_index );

                linkage = linkage_create( link_index, (Sentence)sent_ptr->sentence, opts );
                if ( !linkage ) rlink_raise_lp_error();

                DATA_PTR( self ) = ptr = rlink_linkage_alloc();

                ptr->linkage = linkage;
                ptr->sentence = sentence;

        else {
                rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError,
                                  "Cannot re-initialize a linkage once it's been created." );

        return Qnil;

Public Instance Methods

diagram( display_walls: true, max_width: 80 ) → str

Return a String containing a diagram of the linkage. If display_walls is true the diagram will include the wall-words and connections to them. Strings longer than max_width will be wrapped at that width.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_diagram( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        char *diagram_cstr;
        bool display_walls = true;
        size_t screen_width = 80;
        VALUE opthash = Qnil,
              diagram = Qnil;

        rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "0:", &opthash );
        if ( opthash != Qnil ) {
                rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Got an opthash: %s", RSTRING_PTR(rb_inspect(opthash)) );
                display_walls = RTEST( rb_hash_lookup2(opthash, display_walls_sym, Qtrue) );
                if ( rb_hash_lookup(opthash, max_width_sym) != Qnil ) {
                        screen_width = NUM2UINT( rb_hash_lookup(opthash, max_width_sym) );

        rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Display walls: %d, screen_width: %d", display_walls, screen_width );

        diagram_cstr = linkage_print_diagram( (Linkage)ptr->linkage, display_walls, screen_width );
        diagram = rb_str_new2( diagram_cstr );
        linkage_free_diagram( diagram_cstr );

        return diagram;
disjunct_cost → fixnum

Returns the connector or disjunct cost of the linkage.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_disjunct_cost( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        int rval;

        rval = linkage_disjunct_cost( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );

        return INT2FIX( rval );

#disjunct_strings -> array

Return an Array of Strings showing the disjuncts that were actually used in association with each corresponding word in the current linkage. Each string shows the disjuncts in proper order; that is, left-to-right, in the order in which they link to other words. The returned strings can be thought of as a very precise part-of-speech-like label for each word, indicating how it was used in the given sentence; this can be useful for corpus statistics.

For a parsed version of the disjunct strings, call disjuncts instead.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_get_disjunct_strings( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        const char *disjunct;
        unsigned long i, count = 0l;
        VALUE disjuncts_ary;

        count = linkage_get_num_words( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );
        disjuncts_ary = rb_ary_new2( count );

        for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
                disjunct = linkage_get_disjunct_str( (Linkage)ptr->linkage, i );
                disjunct = linkage_get_disjunct( (Linkage)ptr->linkage, i );
                if ( disjunct ) {
                        rb_ary_store( disjuncts_ary, i, rb_str_new2(disjunct) );

                } else {
                        rb_ary_store( disjuncts_ary, i, Qnil );

        return disjuncts_ary;

Return an Array of parsed (well, just split on whitespace for now) disjunct strings for the linkage.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 71
def disjuncts
        return self.disjunct_strings.collect do |dstr|
                if dstr.nil?

Returns true if the linkage indicates the sentence is phrased in the imperative voice.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 124
def imperative?
        return self.links.find {|link| link.label == 'Wi' && link.rword =~ /\.v$/ } ?
                true : false

Return a human-readable representation of the Sentence object.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 37
def inspect
        return %Q{#<%s:0x%x: [%d links]>} % [
                self.object_id / 2,
anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor anchor

Return an Array of all the nouns in the linkage.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 111
def nouns
        nouns = []
        self.links.each do |link|
                nouns << $1 if link.lword =~ /^(.*)\.n(?:-\w)?$/
                nouns << $1 if link.rword =~ /^(.*)\.n(?:-\w)?$/

        return nouns.uniq
anchor anchor

#num_words – The number of words in the sentence for which this is a linkage. Note that this function does not return the number of words used in the current sublinkage.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_get_num_words( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        return INT2FIX( linkage_get_num_words((Linkage)ptr->linkage) );
Also aliased as: word_count
object( keep_subscript: false )

Return the object from the linkage.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 104
def object( keep_subscript: false )
        objlink = self.links.find {|link| link.rlabel[0] == ?O } or return nil
        return with_subscript( objlink.rword, keep_subscript )
postscript_diagram( display_walls: true, display_header: false ) → str

Returns the macros needed to print out the linkage in a postscript file. By default, the output is just the set of postscript macros that describe the diagram. With full_doc=true a complete encapsulated postscript document is returned.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_print_postscript( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        char *diagram_cstr;
        bool display_walls = true,
             display_header = false;
        VALUE opthash = Qnil,
              diagram = Qnil;

        rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "0:", &opthash );
        if ( opthash != Qnil ) {
                rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Got an opthash: %s", RSTRING_PTR(rb_inspect(opthash)) );
                display_walls = RTEST( rb_hash_lookup2(opthash, display_walls_sym, Qtrue) );
                display_header = RTEST( rb_hash_lookup2(opthash, display_header_sym, Qfalse) );

        rlink_log_obj( self, "debug", "Display walls: %d, display_header: %d", display_walls,
                display_header );

        diagram_cstr = linkage_print_postscript( (Linkage)ptr->linkage, display_walls, display_header );
        diagram = rb_str_new2( diagram_cstr );
        linkage_free_postscript( diagram_cstr );

        return diagram;
subject( keep_subscript: false )

Return the subject from the linkage.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 97
def subject( keep_subscript: false )
        subjlink = self.links.find {|link| link.llabel[0] == ?S } or return nil
        return with_subscript( subjlink.lword, keep_subscript )
unused_word_cost → fixnum

Returns the unused word cost of the linkage, which corresponds to the number of null links that were required to parse it.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_unused_word_cost( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        int rval;

        rval = linkage_unused_word_cost( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );

        return INT2FIX( rval );
verb( keep_subscript: false )

Return the verb word from the linkage.

# File lib/linkparser/linkage.rb, line 83
def verb( keep_subscript: false )
        word = if verblink = self.links.find {|link| link.llabel =~ /^(O([DFNTX]?)|P|BI|K|LI|MV|Q)[a-z\*]*/ }
                elsif verblink = self.links.find {|link| link.rlabel =~ /^(SI|S|AF)[a-z\*]*/ }

        return with_subscript( word, keep_subscript )
violation_name → str

If the linkage violated any post-processing rules, this method returns the name of the violated rule in the post-process knowledge file.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_get_violation_name( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        const char *violation_name = NULL;

        violation_name = linkage_get_violation_name( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );

        if ( violation_name ) {
                return rb_str_new2( violation_name );
        } else {
                return Qnil;
Alias for: num_words
words → array

Return the Array of word spellings or individual word spelling for the current sublinkage. These are the “inflected” spellings, such as “dog.n”. The original spellings can be obtained by calls to Sentence#words.

static VALUE
rlink_linkage_get_words( VALUE self )
        struct rlink_linkage *ptr = get_linkage( self );
        const char **words;
        unsigned long count, i;
        VALUE words_ary;

        count = linkage_get_num_words( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );
        words = linkage_get_words( (Linkage)ptr->linkage );
        words_ary = rb_ary_new2( count );

        for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
                rb_ary_store( words_ary, i, rb_str_new2(words[i]) );

        return words_ary;