
BasicTypeMapForResults class

Simple set of rules for type casting common PostgreSQL types to Ruby.

OIDs of supported type casts are not hard-coded in the sources, but are retrieved from the PostgreSQL’s pg_type table in .

Result values are type casted based on the type OID of the given result column.

Higher level libraries will most likely not make use of this class, but use their own set of rules to choose suitable encoders and decoders.


conn =
# Assign a default ruleset for type casts of output values.
conn.type_map_for_results =
# Execute a query.
res = conn.exec_params( "SELECT $1::INT", ['5'] )
# Retrieve and cast the result value. Value format is 0 (text) and OID is 20. Therefore typecasting
# is done by PG::TextDecoder::Integer internally for all value retrieval methods.
res.values  # => [[5]]

PG::TypeMapByOid#build_column_map(result) can be used to generate a result independent PG::TypeMapByColumn type map, which can subsequently be used to cast get_copy_data fields:

For the following table:

conn.exec( "CREATE TABLE copytable AS VALUES('a', 123, '{5,4,3}'::INT[])" )

# Retrieve table OIDs per empty result set.
res = conn.exec( "SELECT * FROM copytable LIMIT 0" )
# Build a type map for common database to ruby type decoders.
btm =
# Build a PG::TypeMapByColumn with decoders suitable for copytable.
tm = btm.build_column_map( res )
row_decoder = type_map: tm

conn.copy_data( "COPY copytable TO STDOUT", row_decoder ) do |res|
  while row=conn.get_copy_data
    p row

This prints the rows with type casted columns:

["a", 123, [5, 4, 3]]

Very similar with binary format:

conn.exec( "CREATE TABLE copytable AS VALUES('a', 123, '2023-03-19 18:39:44'::TIMESTAMP)" )

# Retrieve table OIDs per empty result set in binary format.
res = conn.exec_params( "SELECT * FROM copytable LIMIT 0", [], 1 )
# Build a type map for common database to ruby type decoders.
btm =
# Build a PG::TypeMapByColumn with decoders suitable for copytable.
tm = btm.build_column_map( res )
row_decoder = type_map: tm

conn.copy_data( "COPY copytable TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT binary)", row_decoder ) do |res|
  while row=conn.get_copy_data
    p row

This prints the rows with type casted columns:

["a", 123, 2023-03-19 18:39:44 UTC]

See also PG::BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult for the encoder direction and PG::BasicTypeRegistry for the definition of additional types.

Public Class Methods

new(connection_or_coder_maps, registry: nil)
# File lib/pg/basic_type_map_for_results.rb, line 92
def initialize(connection_or_coder_maps, registry: nil)
        @coder_maps = build_coder_maps(connection_or_coder_maps, registry: registry)

        # Populate TypeMapByOid hash with decoders
        @coder_maps.each_format(:decoder).flat_map{|f| f.coders }.each do |coder|

        typenames = @coder_maps.typenames_by_oid
        self.default_type_map =