

Class Index



A little handler to be returned for keys given to the dispatcher for which real instances haven‘t been created.

Public Class Methods

new( key, instances ) click to toggle source

Create a new instance for the given key and instances.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/fallbackhandler.rb, line 27
27:     def initialize( key, instances )
28:         @key = key
29:         @instances = instances
30:     end

Public Instance Methods

handler( req ) click to toggle source

Handle a request with output that explains what the problem is.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/fallbackhandler.rb, line 34
34:     def handler( req )
35:         req.content_type = "text/plain"
36:         req.send_http_header
37:         req.print "\nArrow Configuration Error\n\nThis URL is configured to be handled by the dispatcher keyed with '\#{@key.inspect}',\nbut there was no dispatcher associated with that key. The instances I know about\nare:\n\n\#{@instances.collect {|k,d| \"-- \#{k.inspect} --\\n\\n\#{d.inspect}\"}.join(\"\\n\\n\")}\n\n"
39:         return Apache::OK
40:     end


--- SEC00051


--- ""


- methods: 
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000238
    name: new
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/fallbackhandler.rb, line 27</span>\n\
      27:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">initialize</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">key</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">instances</span> )\n\
      28:         <span class=\"ruby-ivar\">@key</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">key</span>\n\
      29:         <span class=\"ruby-ivar\">@instances</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">instances</span>\n\
      30:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Create a <a href="FallbackHandler.html#M000238">new</a> instance for the
      given <tt>key</tt> and <tt>instances</tt>.
    params: ( key, instances )
  category: Class
  type: Public
- methods: 
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000239
    name: handler
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/fallbackhandler.rb, line 34</span>\n\
      34:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">handler</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">req</span> )\n\
      35:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">req</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">content_type</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;text/plain&quot;</span>\n\
      36:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">req</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">send_http_header</span>\n\
      37:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">req</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">print</span> <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;\\nArrow Configuration Error\\n\\nThis URL is configured to be handled by the dispatcher keyed with '\\#{@key.inspect}',\\nbut there was no dispatcher associated with that key. The instances I know about\\nare:\\n\\n\\#{@instances.collect {|k,d| \\&quot;-- \\#{k.inspect} --\\\\n\\\\n\\#{d.inspect}\\&quot;}.join(\\&quot;\\\\n\\\\n\\&quot;)}\\n\\n&quot;</span>\n\
      38: \n\
      39:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">return</span> <span class=\"ruby-constant\">Apache</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-constant\">OK</span>\n\
      40:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Handle a request with output that explains what the problem is.
    params: ( req )
  category: Instance
  type: Public




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