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Last Checked In
2008-03-28 00:49:20 (2 weeks ago)
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This class is the abstract base class for all Arrow objects. Most of the Arrow classes inherit from this.


SVN Revision

Public Class Methods

deprecate_class_method( oldSym, newSym=oldSym ) click to toggle source

Like Object.deprecate_method, but for class methods.

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 118
118:     def self::deprecate_class_method( oldSym, newSym=oldSym )
119:         warningMessage = ''
121:         # If the method is being removed, alias it away somewhere and build
122:         # an appropriate warning message. Otherwise, just build a warning
123:         # message.
124:         if oldSym == newSym
125:             newSym = ("__deprecated_" + oldSym.to_s + "__").intern
126:             warningMessage = "%s::%s is deprecated" %
127:                 [, oldSym.to_s ]
128:             alias_class_method newSym, oldSym
129:         else
130:             warningMessage = "%s::%s is deprecated; use %s::%s instead" %
131:                 [, oldSym.to_s,, newSym.to_s ]
132:         end
134:         # Build the method that logs a warning and then calls the true
135:         # method.
136:         class_eval %Q{
137:             def self::#{oldSym.to_s}( *args, &block )
138:                 Arrow::Logger.notice "warning: %s: #{warningMessage}" % [ caller(1) ]
139:                 send( #{newSym.inspect}, *args, &block )
140:             rescue => err
141:                 # Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful
142:                 Kernel.raise err, err.message, err.backtrace[2..-1]
143:             end
144:         }
145:     end
deprecate_method( oldSym, newSym=oldSym ) click to toggle source

Create a method that warns of deprecation for an instance method. If newSym is specified, the method is being renamed, and this method acts like an alias_method that logs a warning; if not, it is being removed, and the target method will be aliased to an internal method and wrapped in a warning method with the original name.

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 82
 82:     def self::deprecate_method( oldSym, newSym=oldSym )
 83:         warningMessage = ''
 85:         # If the method is being removed, alias it away somewhere and build
 86:         # an appropriate warning message. Otherwise, just build a warning
 87:         # message.
 88:         if oldSym == newSym
 89:             newSym = ("__deprecated_" + oldSym.to_s + "__").intern
 90:             warningMessage = "%s#%s is deprecated" %
 91:                 [, oldSym.to_s ]
 92:             alias_method newSym, oldSym
 93:         else
 94:             warningMessage = "%s#%s is deprecated; use %s#%s instead" %
 95:                 [, oldSym.to_s,, newSym.to_s ]
 96:         end
 98:         # Build the method that logs a warning and then calls the true
 99:         # method.
100:         class_eval %Q{
101:             def #{oldSym.to_s}( *args, &block )
102:                 self.log.notice "warning: %s: #{warningMessage}" % [ caller(1) ]
103:                 send( #{newSym.inspect}, *args, &block )
104:             rescue => err
105:                 # Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful
106:                 Kernel.raise err, err.message, err.backtrace[2..-1]
107:             end
108:         }
109:     rescue Exception => err
110:         # Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful
111:         frames = err.backtrace
112:         frames.shift while frames.first =~ /#{__FILE__}/
113:         Kernel.raise err, err.message, frames
114:     end
inherited( klass ) click to toggle source

Store the name of the file from which the inheriting klass is being loaded.

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 150
150:     def self::inherited( klass )
151:         unless klass.instance_variables.include?( "@sourcefile" )
152:             sourcefile = caller(1).find {|frame|
153:                 /inherited/ !~ frame
154:             }.sub( /^([^:]+):.*/, "\\1" )
155:             klass.instance_variable_set( "@sourcefile", sourcefile )
156:         end
158:         unless klass.respond_to?( :sourcefile )
159:             class << klass
160:                 attr_reader :sourcefile
161:             end
162:         end
163:     end


--- SEC00092


--- ""


- methods: 
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000590
    name: deprecate_class_method
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 118</span>\n\
      118:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">deprecate_class_method</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>=<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span> )\n\
      119:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">''</span>\n\
      120: \n\
      121:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># If the method is being removed, alias it away somewhere and build</span>\n\
      122:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># an appropriate warning message. Otherwise, just build a warning</span>\n\
      123:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># message.</span>\n\
      124:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">==</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>\n\
      125:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span> = (<span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;__deprecated_&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">+</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">+</span> <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;__&quot;</span>).<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">intern</span>\n\
      126:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;%s::%s is deprecated&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span>\n\
      127:                 [ <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> ]\n\
      128:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">alias_class_method</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>\n\
      129:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">else</span>\n\
      130:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;%s::%s is deprecated; use %s::%s instead&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span>\n\
      131:                 [ <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span>, <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> ]\n\
      132:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n\
      133: \n\
      134:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># Build the method that logs a warning and then calls the true</span>\n\
      135:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># method.</span>\n\
      136:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">class_eval</span> <span class=\"ruby-node\">%Q{\n\
      137:             def self::#{oldSym.to_s}( *args, &amp;block )\n\
      138:                 Arrow::Logger.notice &quot;warning: %s: #{warningMessage}&quot; % [ caller(1) ]\n\
      139:                 send( #{newSym.inspect}, *args, &amp;block )\n\
      140:             rescue =&gt; err\n\
      141:                 # Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful\n\
      142:                 Kernel.raise err, err.message, err.backtrace[2..-1]\n\
      143:             end\n\
      144:         }</span>\n\
      145:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Like <a href="Object.html#M000589">Object.deprecate_method</a>, but for
      class methods.
    params: ( oldSym, newSym=oldSym )
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000589
    name: deprecate_method
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 82</span>\n 82:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">deprecate_method</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>=<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span> )\n 83:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">''</span>\n 84: \n 85:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># If the method is being removed, alias it away somewhere and build</span>\n 86:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># an appropriate warning message. Otherwise, just build a warning</span>\n 87:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># message.</span>\n 88:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">==</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>\n 89:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span> = (<span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;__deprecated_&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">+</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">+</span> <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;__&quot;</span>).<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">intern</span>\n 90:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;%s#%s is deprecated&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span>\n 91:                 [ <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> ]\n 92:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">alias_method</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>\n 93:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">else</span>\n 94:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">warningMessage</span> = <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;%s#%s is deprecated; use %s#%s instead&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span>\n 95:                 [ <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">oldSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span>, <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">newSym</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">to_s</span> ]\n 96:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n 97: \n 98:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># Build the method that logs a warning and then calls the true</span>\n 99:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># method.</span>\n\
      100:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">class_eval</span> <span class=\"ruby-node\">%Q{\n\
      101:             def #{oldSym.to_s}( *args, &amp;block )\n\
      102:                 self.log.notice &quot;warning: %s: #{warningMessage}&quot; % [ caller(1) ]\n\
      103:                 send( #{newSym.inspect}, *args, &amp;block )\n\
      104:             rescue =&gt; err\n\
      105:                 # Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful\n\
      106:                 Kernel.raise err, err.message, err.backtrace[2..-1]\n\
      107:             end\n\
      108:         }</span>\n\
      109:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">rescue</span> <span class=\"ruby-constant\">Exception</span> =<span class=\"ruby-operator\">&gt;</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">err</span>\n\
      110:         <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># Mangle exceptions to point someplace useful</span>\n\
      111:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frames</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">err</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">backtrace</span>\n\
      112:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frames</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">shift</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">while</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frames</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">first</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">=~</span> <span class=\"ruby-node\">/#{__FILE__}/</span>\n\
      113:         <span class=\"ruby-constant\">Kernel</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">raise</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">err</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">err</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">message</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frames</span>\n\
      114:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Create a method that warns of deprecation for an instance method. If
      <tt>newSym</tt> is specified, the method is being renamed, and this method
      acts like an <tt>alias_method</tt> that logs a warning; if not, it is being
      removed, and the target method will be aliased to an internal method and
      wrapped in a warning method with the original name.
    params: ( oldSym, newSym=oldSym )
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000591
    name: inherited
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/object.rb, line 150</span>\n\
      150:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">inherited</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">klass</span> )\n\
      151:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">unless</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">klass</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">instance_variables</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">include?</span>( <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;@sourcefile&quot;</span> )\n\
      152:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">sourcefile</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">caller</span>(<span class=\"ruby-value\">1</span>).<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">find</span> {<span class=\"ruby-operator\">|</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frame</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">|</span>\n\
      153:                 <span class=\"ruby-regexp re\">/inherited/</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">!~</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frame</span>\n\
      154:             }.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">sub</span>( <span class=\"ruby-regexp re\">/^([^:]+):.*/</span>, <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;\\\\1&quot;</span> )\n\
      155:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">klass</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">instance_variable_set</span>( <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;@sourcefile&quot;</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">sourcefile</span> )\n\
      156:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n\
      157: \n\
      158:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">unless</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">klass</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">respond_to?</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">:sourcefile</span> )\n\
      159:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">class</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">&lt;&lt;</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">klass</span>\n\
      160:                 <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">attr_reader</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">:sourcefile</span>\n\
      161:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n\
      162:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n\
      163:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Store the name of the file from which the inheriting <tt>klass</tt> is
      being loaded.
    params: ( klass )
  category: Class
  type: Public




- name: SVNRev
  desc: |+
    SVN Revision
  value: "%q$Rev: 437 $"
- name: SVNId
  desc: |+
    SVN Id
  value: "%q$Id: object.rb 437 2008-03-28 00:49:20Z deveiant $"


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