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Last Checked In
2008-03-28 00:49:20 (2 weeks ago)
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Class Index



This class is the abstract base class for logging outputters for Arrow::Logger.


SVN Revision
The default description
The default interpolatable string that‘s used to build the message to output


The outputter‘s description, for introspection utilities.
The uninterpolated string format for this outputter. This message written will be formed by interpolating this string in the #write method‘s context immediately before outputting.

Public Class Methods

create( uri, *args ) click to toggle source

Create a new Arrow::Logger::Outputter object of the type specified by uri.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 72
72:     def self::create( uri, *args )
73:         uri = self.parse_uri( uri ) if uri.is_a?( String )
74:         super( uri.scheme.dup, uri, *args )
75:     end
derivativeDirs() click to toggle source

Specify the directory to look for the derivatives of this class in.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 56
56:     def self::derivativeDirs
57:         ["arrow/logger"]
58:     end
new( uri, description=DefaultDescription, format=DefaultFormat ) click to toggle source

Create a new Arrow::Logger::Outputter object with the given uri, description and sprintf-style format.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 85
85:     def initialize( uri, description=DefaultDescription, format=DefaultFormat )
86:         @description = description
87:         @format = format
88:     end
parse_uri( str ) click to toggle source

Parse the given string into a URI object, appending the path part if it doesn‘t exist.

    # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 63
63:     def self::parse_uri( str )
64:         return str if str.is_a?( URI::Generic )
65:         str += ":." if str.match( /^\w+$/ )
66:         URI.parse( str )
67:     end

Public Instance Methods

inspect() click to toggle source

Returns a human-readable description of the object as a String

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 121
121:     def inspect
122:         "#<%s:0x%0x %s>" % [
123:   ,
124:             self.object_id * 2,
125:             self.inspection_details,
126:         ]
127:     end
write( time, level, name, frame, msg ) {|msg| ...} click to toggle source

Write the given level, name, frame, and msg to the target output mechanism. Subclasses can call this with a block which will be passed the formatted message. If no block is supplied by the child, this method will check to see if $DEBUG is set, and if it is, write the log message to $deferr.

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 109
109:     def write( time, level, name, frame, msg )
110:         msg = @format.interpolate( binding )
112:         if block_given?
113:             yield( msg )
114:         else
115:             $deferr.puts( msg ) if $DEBUG
116:         end
117:     end

Protected Instance Methods

inspection_details() click to toggle source

Returns a String which should be included in the implementation-specific part of the object‘s inspection String.

     # File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 136
136:     def inspection_details
137:         return "%s (%s)" % [ self.description, self.format ]
138:     end


--- SEC00072


--- ""


- name: description
  rw: RW
  a_desc: |+
    The outputter&#8216;s description, for introspection utilities.
- name: format
  rw: RW
  a_desc: |+
    The uninterpolated string format for this outputter. This message written
    will be formed by interpolating this string in the <a
    href="Outputter.html#M000193">#write</a> method&#8216;s context immediately
    before outputting.


- methods: 
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000191
    name: create
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 72</span>\n\
      72:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">create</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span>, <span class=\"ruby-operator\">*</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">args</span> )\n\
      73:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span> = <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">parse_uri</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span> ) <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">is_a?</span>( <span class=\"ruby-constant\">String</span> )\n\
      74:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">super</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">scheme</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">dup</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span>, <span class=\"ruby-operator\">*</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">args</span> )\n\
      75:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Create a <a href="Outputter.html#M000192">new</a> <a
      href="Outputter.html">Arrow::Logger::Outputter</a> object of the type
      specified by <tt>uri</tt>.
    params: ( uri, *args )
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000189
    name: derivativeDirs
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 56</span>\n\
      56:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">derivativeDirs</span>\n\
      57:         [<span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;arrow/logger&quot;</span>]\n\
      58:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Specify the directory to look for the derivatives of this class in.
    params: ()
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000192
    name: new
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 85</span>\n\
      85:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">initialize</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">uri</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">description</span>=<span class=\"ruby-constant\">DefaultDescription</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">format</span>=<span class=\"ruby-constant\">DefaultFormat</span> )\n\
      86:         <span class=\"ruby-ivar\">@description</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">description</span>\n\
      87:         <span class=\"ruby-ivar\">@format</span> = <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">format</span>\n\
      88:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Create a <a href="Outputter.html#M000192">new</a> <a
      href="Outputter.html">Arrow::Logger::Outputter</a> object with the given
      <tt>uri</tt>, <tt>description</tt> and sprintf-style <tt>format</tt>.
    params: ( uri, description=DefaultDescription, format=DefaultFormat )
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000190
    name: parse_uri
    sourcecode: "    <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 63</span>\n\
      63:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-identifier\">parse_uri</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span> )\n\
      64:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">return</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">is_a?</span>( <span class=\"ruby-constant\">URI</span><span class=\"ruby-operator\">::</span><span class=\"ruby-constant\">Generic</span> )\n\
      65:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">+=</span> <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;:.&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">match</span>( <span class=\"ruby-regexp re\">/^\\w+$/</span> )\n\
      66:         <span class=\"ruby-constant\">URI</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">parse</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">str</span> )\n\
      67:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Parse the given string into a URI object, appending the path part if it
      doesn&#8216;t exist.
    params: ( str )
  category: Class
  type: Public
- methods: 
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000194
    name: inspect
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 121</span>\n\
      121:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">inspect</span>\n\
      122:         <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;#&lt;%s:0x%0x %s&gt;&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span> [\n\
      123:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">class</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>,\n\
      124:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">object_id</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">*</span> <span class=\"ruby-value\">2</span>,\n\
      125:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">inspection_details</span>,\n\
      126:         ]\n\
      127:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Returns a human-readable description of the object as a String
    params: ()
  - visibility: public
    aref: M000193
    name: write
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 109</span>\n\
      109:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">write</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">time</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">level</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">name</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">frame</span>, <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">msg</span> )\n\
      110:         <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">msg</span> = <span class=\"ruby-ivar\">@format</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">interpolate</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">binding</span> )\n\
      111: \n\
      112:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">block_given?</span>\n\
      113:             <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">yield</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">msg</span> )\n\
      114:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">else</span>\n\
      115:             <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">$deferr</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">puts</span>( <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">msg</span> ) <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">if</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">$DEBUG</span>\n\
      116:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>\n\
      117:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Write the given <tt>level</tt>, <tt>name</tt>, <tt>frame</tt>, and
      <tt>msg</tt> to the target output mechanism. Subclasses can call this with
      a block which will be passed the formatted message. If no block is supplied
      by the child, this method will check to see if $DEBUG is set, and if it is,
      <a href="Outputter.html#M000193">write</a> the log message to $deferr.
    params: ( time, level, name, frame, msg ) {|msg| ...}
  category: Instance
  type: Public
- methods: 
  - visibility: protected
    aref: M000195
    name: inspection_details
    sourcecode: "     <span class=\"ruby-comment cmt\"># File /Users/ged/source/ruby/Arrow/lib/arrow/logger/outputter.rb, line 136</span>\n\
      136:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">def</span> <span class=\"ruby-identifier\">inspection_details</span>\n\
      137:         <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">return</span> <span class=\"ruby-value str\">&quot;%s (%s)&quot;</span> <span class=\"ruby-operator\">%</span> [ <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">description</span>, <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">self</span>.<span class=\"ruby-identifier\">format</span> ]\n\
      138:     <span class=\"ruby-keyword kw\">end</span>"
    m_desc: |-
      Returns a String which should be included in the implementation-specific
      part of the object&#8216;s inspection String.
    params: ()
  category: Instance
  type: Protected




- name: SVNRev
  desc: |+
    SVN Revision
  value: "%q$Rev: 437 $"
- name: SVNId
  desc: |+
    SVN Id
  value: "%q$Id: outputter.rb 437 2008-03-28 00:49:20Z deveiant $"
- name: DefaultDescription
  desc: |+
    The default description
  value: "&quot;Logging Outputter&quot;"
- name: DefaultFormat
  desc: |+
    The default interpolatable string that&#8216;s used to build the message to
  value: "%q{#{time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')} [#{level}]: #{name} } +             %q{#{frame ? '('+frame+')' : ''}: #{msg[0,1024]}}"


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