Write Your Own Strelka Plugin


Because Mongrel2 makes it easy to have discrete handler processes managing different URI routes, you'll quickly find benefit from refactoring common code into reusable components.

As mentioned in the Strelka Tutorial section, Strelka breaks out functionality into a set of core plugins that allow you to cherry pick the capabilities you need. It's easy to create your own plugins for optional loading of shared behavior into any number of handlers.

This page is a walkthrough for creating an example Strelka plugin that logs all HTTP accesses to a SQLite database.

The Basics

A Strelka plugin is just a module under the Strelka::App namespace that is extended by the Strelka::Plugin class. Once extended, the plugin participates in the request -> response lifecycle, and is able to alter it via hooks. The plugin only participates for handlers that load it via the plugin declarative.

Lets start by creating and naming an empty plugin. We'll call it dblogger.

require 'strelka'
require 'strelka/app'

module Strelka::App::DBLogger
    extend Strelka::Plugin

It's important to save the plugin under a path that Strelka can locate it. It can go anywhere in your $LOAD_PATH, but should be under a lib/strelka/app subdirectory, and the filename should match the class.

We'll save this to lib/strelka/app/dblogger.rb, and Strelka applications can use it like so:

require 'strelka'

class ExampleApplication < Strelka::App
    plugins :routing, :dblogger

    get do |req|
        res = req.response
        res.content_type = 'text/plain'
        return res.body << "Hi!  I'll be logged!"


Load Order

The request is passed through plugins sequentually. You can control where in the chain your plugin belongs, by using the run_outside and run_inside methods. Both methods accept a comma separated list of other plugin names.

In this example case, we want the logger to log the request before the other core plugins run, so any errors still make it out to the log.

require 'strelka'
require 'strelka/app'

module Strelka::App::DBLogger
    extend Strelka::Plugin

    run_outside :auth,



There are three primary extension points you can override in your plugin. All hooks absolutely require you to super at some point, so the request/response chain passes through your plugin.


Make any changes to the request that are necessary before handling it and return it. This is an alternate extension-point for plugins that wish to modify or replace the request before the request cycle is started.


Handle the request and return a response. This is the main extension-point for the plugin system. Without being overridden or extended by plugins, this method just returns the default Mongrel2 response.


Make any changes to the response that are necessary before handing it to Mongrel and return it. This is an alternate extension- point for plugins that wish to modify or replace the response after the whole request cycle is completed.

Completing the Example

For our logging purposes, we want to hook the fixup_response method. We won't be altering the response itself, but just reading attributes from it and squirreling them away. Most notably, the response has access to the response object, and visa versa. You can find more detail for these hooks in the API documentation for Strelka::App.

Here's the complete plugin.

require 'strelka'
require 'strelka/app'
require 'sequel'

module Strelka::App::DBLogger
    extend Strelka::Plugin

    run_outside :auth,

    def initialize( * )

        @db = Sequel.sqlite( '////tmp/strelka_access.db' )
        @db.create_table( :log ) do
            timestamptz :date,      :null => false
            varchar     :agent,     :size => 255
            varchar     :remote_ip, :null => false
            smallint    :status
            varchar     :method,    :size => 8, :null => false
            varchar     :path,      :size => 255
            varchar     :query,     :size => 255
            varchar     :referer,   :size => 255
        end unless @db.table_exists?( :log )

    attr_reader :db

    def fixup_response( response )
        request = response.request

        self.log.debug self.db[ :log ].insert(
            :date      => Time.now.to_s,
            :agent     => request.headers.user_agent,
            :remote_ip => request.remote_ip.to_s,
            :status    => response.status,
            :method    => request.verb.to_s,
            :path      => request.uri.path,
            :query     => request.uri.query,
            :referer   => request.headers.referer


Handler startup creates the database and the logging schema, and every request performs an insert with the data we're after. There's plenty of room for improvement here (configurable db location, prepared statements), but hopefully that gives you a first-round idea of how easy it is to add pluggable functionality to Strelka.