Class-level functionality
The registered status handler callbacks, keyed by Integer Ranges of status codes to which they apply
Extension callback – add instance variables to extending objects.
# File lib/strelka/app/errors.rb, line 102
def inherited( subclass )
subclass.instance_variable_set( :@status_handlers, @status_handlers.dup )
Register a callback for responses whose status code is within the specified
. Range can either be a single integer HTTP status code,
or a Range of the same (e.g., 400..499) for all statuses with that range.
If no range
is specified, any of the HTTP error statuses will
invoke the callback.
The block will be called with the response object (a subclass of Mongrel2::Response appropriate for the request type), and a hash of status info that will at least contain the following keys:
the HTTP status code that was passed to Strelka::ResponseHelpers#finish_with
the message string that was passed to Strelka::ResponseHelpers#finish_with
# File lib/strelka/app/errors.rb, line 122
def on_status( range=DEFAULT_HANDLER_STATUS_RANGE, template=nil, &block )
range = range, range ) unless range.is_a?( Range )
methodname = "for_status_%s" % [ range.begin, range.end ].uniq.join('_to_')
if template
raise ArgumentError, "template-style callbacks don't take a block" if block
raise ScriptError, "template-style callbacks require the :templating plugin" unless
self.respond_to?( :templates )
block = {|*| template }
define_method( methodname, &block )
self.status_handlers[ range ] = instance_method( methodname )