The mixin that adds methods to Strelka::HTTPResponse for content-negotiation.
response = request.response response.for( 'text/html' ) {...} response.for( :json ) {...} response.for_encoding( :en ) {...} response.for_language( :en ) {...}
If the response was created from a request, it also knows whether or not it is acceptable according to its request's `Accept*` headers.
TODO: Perhaps replace this with something like this:
Mongrel2::Config::Mimetype.to_hash( :extension => :mimetype )
A collection of default stringifier callbacks, keyed by mimetype. If an entry for the content-negotiation callback's mimetype exists in this Hash, it will be call()ed on the callback's return value to stringify the body.
Transcoding to Unicode is likely enough to work to warrant auto-transcoding. These are the charsets that will be used for auto-transcoding in the case where the whole entity body isn't in memory
The Hash of document coding alternative callbacks for content negotiation, keyed by coding name.
The Hash of language alternative callbacks for content negotiation, keyed by language tag String.
The Hash of mediatype alternative callbacks for content negotiation, keyed by mimetype.
A Set of header fields to add to the 'Vary:' response header.
Add some instance variables for negotiation.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 79
def initialize( * )
@mediatype_callbacks = {}
@language_callbacks = {}
@encoding_callbacks = {}
@vary_fields =
The Hash of symbolic mediatypes of the form:
{ <name (Symbol)> => <mimetype> }
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 69
singleton_attr_reader :mimetype_map
Check for any negotiation that should happen and apply the necessary transforms if they're available.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 155
def negotiate
return if !self.request
Transform the entity body if it doesn't meet the criteria
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 147
def negotiated_body
return self.body
Overridden to add a Vary: header to outgoing headers if the response has any vary_fields.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 127
def normalized_headers
headers = super
unless self.vary_fields.empty?
self.log.debug "Adding Vary header for %p" % [ self.vary_fields ]
headers.vary = self.vary_fields.to_a.join( ', ' )
return headers
Overridden to reset content-negotiation callbacks, too.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 111
def reset
# Not clearing the Vary: header for now, as it's useful in a 406 to
# determine what accept-* headers can be modified to get an acceptable
# response
# @vary_fields.clear
The Hash of stringification callbacks, keyed by mimetype.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 74
singleton_attr_reader :stringifiers
Stringify the response – overridden to use the negotiated body.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 140
def to_s
Return true if the receiver satisfies all of its originating request's Accept* headers, or it's a bodiless response.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 170
def acceptable?
# self.negotiate
return self.bodiless? ||
( self.acceptable_content_type? &&
self.acceptable_charset? &&
self.acceptable_language? &&
self.acceptable_encoding? )
Returns true if the receiver's charset is set to a value that was designated as acceptable by the originating request, or if there was no originating request.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 198
def acceptable_charset?
req = self.request or return true
charset = self.find_header_charset
# Types other than text are binary, and so aren't subject to charset
# acceptability.
# For 'text/' subtypes:
# When no explicit charset parameter is provided by the sender, media
# subtypes of the "text" type are defined to have a default charset
# value of "ISO-8859-1" when received via HTTP. [RFC2616 3.7.1]
if charset == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
return true unless self.content_type.start_with?( 'text/' )
charset = Encoding::ISO8859_1
answer = req.accepts_charset?( charset )
self.log.warn "Content-charset %p NOT acceptable: %p" %
[ self.find_header_charset, req.accepted_charsets ] unless answer
return answer
Returns true if the content-type of the response is set to a mediatype that was designated as acceptable by the originating request, or if there was no originating request.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 184
def acceptable_content_type?
req = self.request or return true
answer = req.accepts?( self.content_type )
self.log.warn "Content-type %p NOT acceptable: %p" %
[ self.content_type, req.accepted_mediatypes ] unless answer
return answer
Returns true if all of the receiver's encodings were designated as acceptable by the originating request, if there was no originating request, or if no encodings have been set.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 251
def acceptable_encoding?
req = self.request or return true
encs = self.encodings.dup
encs << 'identity' if encs.empty?
answer = encs.all? {|enc| req.accepts_encoding?(enc) }
self.log.warn "Content-encoding %p NOT acceptable: %s" %
[ encs, req.accepted_encodings ] unless answer
return answer
Returns true if at least one of the receiver's languages is set to a value that was designated as acceptable by the originating request, if there was no originating request, or if no languages have been set for a non-empty entity body.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 226
def acceptable_language?
req = self.request or return true
# Lack of an accept-language field means all languages are accepted
return true if req.accepted_languages.empty?
# If no language is given for an existing entity body, there's no way
# to know whether or not there's a better alternative
return true if self.languages.empty?
# If any of the languages present for the body are accepted, the
# request is acceptable. Or at least that's what I got out of
# reading RFC2616, Section 14.4.
answer = self.languages.any? {|lang| req.accepts_language?(lang) }
self.log.warn "Content-language %p NOT acceptable: %s" %
[ self.languages, req.accepted_languages ] unless answer
return answer
Returns Strelka::HTTPRequest::Charset objects for accepted character sets that have a higher qvalue than the one used by the current response.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 466
def better_charsets
req = self.request or return []
return [] unless self.content_type &&
self.content_type.start_with?( 'text/', 'application/' )
return [] unless req.headers.accept_charset
current_qvalue = 0.0
charsets = req.accepted_charsets.sort
current_charset = self.find_header_charset
# If the current charset exists in the Accept-Charset: header, reset the current qvalue
# to whatever its qvalue is
if current_charset != Encoding::ASCII_8BIT
charset = charsets.find {|mt| mt =~ current_charset }
current_qvalue = charset.qvalue if charset
self.log.debug "Looking for better charsets than %p (%0.2f)" %
[ current_charset, current_qvalue ]
return charsets.sort.find_all do |cs|
cs.qvalue > current_qvalue
Try to transcode the entity body stream to one of the specified
. Returns the succesful Encoding object if transcoding
succeeded, or nil
if transcoding failed.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 519
def transcode_body( charset )
unless enc = charset.encoding_object
self.log.warn " unsupported charset: %s" % [ charset ]
return false
# StringIOs get their internal string transcoded directly
if self.body.respond_to?( :string )
self.body.string.encode!( enc )
return true
# For other IO objects, the situation is trickier -- we can't know that
# encoding will succeed for more-restrictive charsets, so we only do
# automatic transcoding if the 'wanted' one is a Unicode charset.
# This probably isn't perfect, either.
# :FIXME: Probably need a list of exceptions, i.e., charsets that don't
# always transcode nicely into Unicode.
elsif self.body.respond_to?( :fileno ) && UNICODE_CHARSETS.include?( enc ) "Assuming %s data can be transcoded into %s" %
[ self.body.internal_encoding, enc ]
# Don't close the FD when this IO goes out of scope
oldbody = self.body
oldbody.autoclose = false
# Re-open the same file descriptor, but transcoding to the wanted encoding
self.body = IO.for_fd( oldbody.fileno, internal_encoding: enc )
return true
rescue Encoding::UndefinedConversionError => err
self.log.error "%p while transcoding: %s" % [ err.class, err.message ]
return false
Iterate over the originating request's acceptable charsets in qvalue+listed order, attempting to transcode the current entity body if it
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 495
def transform_charset
self.log.debug "Looking for charset transformations."
if self.body.respond_to?( :string ) || self.body.respond_to?( :fileno )
# Try each charset that's better than what we have already
self.better_charsets.each do |charset|
self.log.debug " trying to transcode to: %s" % [ charset ]
# If it succeeds, indicate that transcoding took place in the Vary header
if self.transcode_body( charset )
self.log.debug " success; body is now %p" % [ charset ]
self.vary_fields.add( 'accept-charset' )
self.log.warn "Don't know how to transcode a %p" % [ self.body.class ]
Returns Strelka::HTTPRequest::Encoding objects for accepted encodings that have a higher qvalue than the one used by the current response.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 583
def better_encoding
req = self.request or return []
return [] unless req.headers.accept_encoding
current_qvalue = 0.0
encodings = req.accepted_encodings.sort
current_encodings = self.encodings.dup
current_encodings.unshift( 'identity' )
# Find the highest qvalue of the encodings that have been applied already
current_qvalue = current_encodings.inject( current_qvalue ) do |qval, current_enc|
qenc = encodings.find {|enc| enc =~ current_enc } or next qval
qenc.qvalue > qval ? qenc.qvalue : qval
self.log.debug "Looking for better encodings than %p (%0.2f)" %
[ current_encodings, current_qvalue ]
return encodings.find_all do |enc|
self.log.debug " %s (%0.2f) > %0.2f?" % [ enc, enc.qvalue, current_qvalue ]
enc.qvalue > current_qvalue
Register a callback that will be called during transparent content
negotiation for the entity body if one or more of the specified
is among the requested alternatives. The
are Strings in the form described by RFC2616, section
3.5. The callback
will be called with the coding name, and
should return the new value for the entity body if it has transformed the
bod. If successful, the response's body will be set to the new value,
and the coding name added to the appropriate headers.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 571
def for_encoding( *codings, &callback )
codings.each do |coding|
self.encoding_callbacks[ coding ] = callback
# Include the 'Accept-Encoding:' header in the 'Vary:' header
self.vary_fields.add( 'accept-encoding' )
Iterate over the originating request's acceptable encodings and apply each one in the order they were requested if they're available.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 610
def transform_encoding
return if self.encoding_callbacks.empty?
self.log.debug "Looking for acceptable content codings"
self.better_encoding.each do |enc|
self.log.debug " looking for a callback for %p" % [ enc ]
if (( callback = self.encoding_callbacks[enc.content_coding.to_sym] ))
self.log.debug " trying callback %p for %p" %
[ callback, enc ]
if (( new_body = ))
self.log.debug " callback succeeded"
self.body = new_body
self.encodings << enc.content_coding
elsif enc.content_coding == 'identity' && enc.qvalue.nonzero?
self.log.debug " identity coding, no callback"
Returns Strelka::HTTPRequest::MediaType objects for mediatypes that have a higher qvalue than the current response's entity body (if any).
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 298
def better_mediatypes
req = self.request or return []
return [] unless req.headers.accept
current_qvalue = 0.0
mediatypes = req.accepted_mediatypes.sort
# If the current mediatype exists in the Accept: header, reset the current qvalue
# to whatever its qvalue is
if self.content_type
mediatype = mediatypes.find {|mt| mt =~ self.content_type }
current_qvalue = mediatype.qvalue if mediatype
self.log.debug "Looking for better mediatypes than %p (%0.2f)" %
[ self.content_type, current_qvalue ]
return mediatypes.find_all do |mt|
mt.qvalue > current_qvalue
Register a callback that will be called during transparent content
negotiation for the entity body if one or more of the specified
is among the requested alternatives. The
can be either mimetype Strings or Symbols that
correspond to keys in the BUILTIN_MIMETYPES hash. The callback
will be called with the desired mimetype, and should return the new value
for the entity body if it successfully transformed the body, or a false
value if the next alternative should be tried instead. If successful, the
response's body will be set to the new value, its content_type set to
the new mimetype, and its status changed to HTTP::OK.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 281
def for( *mediatypes, &callback )
mediatypes.each do |mimetype|
if mimetype.is_a?( Symbol )
mimetype = Strelka::HTTPResponse::Negotiation.mimetype_map[ mimetype ] or
raise "No known mimetype mapped to %p" % [ mimetype ]
self.mediatype_callbacks[ mimetype ] = callback
# Include the 'Accept:' header in the 'Vary:' header
self.vary_fields.add( 'accept' )
Iterate over the originating request's acceptable content types in qvalue+listed order, looking for a content negotiation callback for each mediatype. If any are found, they are tried in declared order until one returns a true-ish value, which becomes the new entity body. If the body object is not a String,
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 326
def transform_content_type
self.log.debug "Applying content-type transforms (if any)"
return if self.mediatype_callbacks.empty?
self.log.debug " transform callbacks registered: %p" % [ self.mediatype_callbacks ]
self.better_mediatypes.each do |mediatype|
callbacks = self.mediatype_callbacks.find_all do |mimetype, _|
mediatype =~ mimetype
if callbacks.empty?
self.log.debug " no transforms for %s" % [ mediatype ]
self.log.debug " %d transform/s for %s" % [ callbacks.length, mediatype ]
callbacks.each do |mimetype, callback|
return if self.try_content_type_callback( mimetype, callback )
Attempt to apply the callback
for the specified
to the entity body, making the necessary changes to
the request and returning true
if the callback returns a new
entity body, or returning a false value if it doesn't.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 351
def try_content_type_callback( mimetype, callback )
self.log.debug " trying content-type callback %p (%s)" % [ callback, mimetype ]
new_body = begin mimetype )
rescue => err
self.log.error " %p raised from the callback for %s: %s" %
[ err.class, mimetype, err.message ]
return false
self.log.debug " successfully transformed: %p! Setting up response." % [ new_body.class ]
stringifiers = Strelka::HTTPResponse::Negotiation.stringifiers
if stringifiers.key?( mimetype )
new_body = stringifiers[ mimetype ].call( new_body )
self.log.debug " no stringifier registered for %p" % [ mimetype ]
self.body = new_body
self.content_type = mimetype.dup # :TODO: Why is this frozen?
self.status ||= HTTP::OK
return true
Returns Strelka::HTTPRequest::Language objects for natural languages that have a higher qvalue than the current response's entity body (if any).
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 403
def better_languages
req = self.request or return []
current_qvalue = 0.0
accepted_languages = req.accepted_languages.sort
# If any of the current languages exists in the Accept-Language: header, reset
# the current qvalue to the highest one among them
unless self.languages.empty?
current_qvalue = self.languages.reduce( current_qvalue ) do |qval, lang|
accepted_lang = accepted_languages.find {|alang| alang =~ lang } or
next qval
qval > accepted_lang.qvalue ? qval : accepted_lang.qvalue
self.log.debug "Looking for better languages than %p (%0.2f)" %
[ self.languages.join(', '), current_qvalue ]
return accepted_languages.find_all do |lang|
lang.qvalue > current_qvalue
Register a callback that will be called during transparent content
negotiation for the entity body if one or more of the specified
is among the requested alternatives. The
are Strings in the form described by RFC2616,
section 3.10. The callback
will be called with the desired
language code, and should return the new value for the entity body if it
has value for the body, or a false value if the next alternative should be
tried instead. If successful, the response's body will be set to the
new value, and its status changed to HTTP::OK.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 391
def for_language( *language_tags, &callback )
language_tags.flatten.each do |lang|
self.language_callbacks[ lang.to_sym ] = callback
# Include the 'Accept-Language:' header in the 'Vary:' header
self.vary_fields.add( 'accept-language' )
If there are any languages that have a higher qvalue than the one/s in languages, look for a negotiation callback that provides that language. If any are found, they are tried in declared order until one returns a true-ish value, which becomes the new entity body.
# File lib/strelka/httpresponse/negotiation.rb, line 432
def transform_language
return if self.language_callbacks.empty?
self.log.debug "Looking for language transformations"
self.better_languages.uniq.each do |lang|
callback = langcode = nil
if lang.primary_tag
langcode = lang.language_range
callback = self.language_callbacks[ lang.primary_tag.to_sym ]
langcode, callback = self.language_callbacks.first
next unless callback
self.log.debug " found a callback for %s: %p" % [ langcode, callback ]
if (( new_body = ))
self.body = new_body
self.languages.replace([ langcode.to_s ])
self.log.debug " success."