A collection of functions for generating responses.
Abort the current execution and return a response with the specified
http_status code immediately. The specified message
will be
logged, and will be included in any message that is returned as part of the
response. The headers
hash will be used to set response
headers. As a shortcut, you can call finish_with again with
the Hash that it builds to re-throw it.
# File lib/strelka/mixins.rb, line 347
def finish_with( http_status, message=nil, headers={} )
status_info = nil
if http_status.is_a?( Hash ) && http_status.key?(:status)
self.log.debug "Re-finishing with a status_info struct: %p." % [ http_status ]
status_info = http_status
message ||= HTTP::STATUS_NAME[ http_status ]
status_info = {
status: http_status,
message: message,
headers: headers,
backtrace: caller(1),
# Log using the instance logger if possible, else use the global one
logmsg = "Finishing with status %d: %s" % [ status_info[:status], status_info[:message] ]
if status_info[:status] > 399
self.log.info( logmsg )
self.log.error( logmsg )
throw :finish, status_info