A constraint expressed as a regular expression.
The constraint's pattern
Create a new RegexpConstraint that will
validate the field of the given name
with the specified
# File lib/strelka/paramvalidator.rb, line 265
def initialize( name, pattern, *args, &block )
@pattern = pattern
super( name, *args, &block )
Check the value
against the regular expression and return its
match groups if successful.
# File lib/strelka/paramvalidator.rb, line 282
def check( value, untaint )
self.log.debug "Validating %p via regexp %p" % [ value, self.pattern ]
match = self.pattern.match( value.to_s ) or return nil
if match.captures.empty?
self.log.debug " no captures, using whole match: %p" % [match[0]]
return super( match[0], untaint )
elsif match.names.length > 1
self.log.debug " extracting hash of named captures: %p" % [ match.names ]
rhash = self.matched_hash( match, untaint )
return super( rhash, untaint )
elsif match.captures.length == 1
self.log.debug " extracting one capture: %p" % [match.captures.first]
return super( match.captures.first, untaint )
self.log.debug " extracting multiple captures: %p" % [match.captures]
values = match.captures
values.map {|val| val.untaint if val } if untaint
return super( values, untaint )
Return a Hash of the given match
object's named captures,
untainting the values if untaint
is true.
# File lib/strelka/paramvalidator.rb, line 310
def matched_hash( match, untaint )
return match.names.inject( {} ) do |accum,name|
value = match[ name ]
value.untaint if untaint && value
accum[ name.to_sym ] = value
Return the constraint expressed as a String.
# File lib/strelka/paramvalidator.rb, line 321
def validator_description
return "a value matching the pattern %p" % [ self.pattern ]